⚡️Chapter 25⚡️

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Lillian Knight


"Hello?" Lillian called as she walked down that halls of the 600th floor of Star Labs, having just arrived back in Central City a mere twenty minutes ago. "Barry? Cisco?" She entered the Cortex and all eyes were on the blonde detective, one set of eyes too many.

"Babe?" Barry furrowed his eyebrows, at the sight of his girlfriend.

"Barry? Henry?" Lillian asked in confusion as the older Allen smiled at her. "Oh my god, Henry!" She hurried towards him and was pulled into a warm fatherly hug.

"Lillian, it's so lovely to see you again! You look wonderful!" Henry beamed as they parted.

"Me? Look at you! Handsome as ever! I think you've got your son beat for sure." Lillian teased as Barry crossed him arms jokingly.

"Wow, ouch. No hello and now you chose my dad over me? That's cold babe."

Lillian lifted a sarcastic hand to her boyfriend "Slow your roll asshole, I shouted hello from the hallway and your father just happens to be the reason you are here to be my boyfriend so suck it, Allen."

Henry patted his sons shoulder as he drew detective to his side with a grin "Marry this one. I like her."

Barry laughed as he hugged his dad farewell. "Haven't quite got around to that yet. I love you dad."

"I love you son."

"Goodbye Lillian. You keep him on his toes dear." Henry chuckled as he kissed the woman's forehead.

"That's my job." Lillian chuckled as she moved to her boyfriends arms as Henry left with Joe, giving one final wave.

Barry leaned down and kissed her shortly due to their audience. "How was Gotham?"

Lillian sighed, flawlessly lying to the love of her life "Boring. Lots of long meetings and a shit load of paperwork."

"Miss Knight. Your presence and intellect is refreshing as always." Doctor Wells sighed.

"Harrison." Lillian nodded stiffly. "Wish I could say the same." She looked back to Barry, continuing "Bruce says hello, and that he hopes to meet you the next time around."

"Well now that your back from the big bad city are you excited to get back to work?"

"You guys just dealt with a serial psychopath, I missed all of the fun." Lillian pouted, even though during her absence she had possibly figured out about her strange warnings.


"Death by honey bee venom." Caitlin deduced.

"Ohh, this is exciting." Lillian grinned.

"Bees, why did it have to be bees. Y'all. I don't do bees. Ain't nobody got time for bees." Cisco stared nervously.

"If this woman was stung to death how come there were no stingers in her body or any dead bees in the car?" Lillian asked as she read over the report. "Miss Kang was found with enough venom in her system to kill a herd of pissed off elephants."

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