Season 1 - Episode 1: First Day at the Nine-Nine

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"Everyone, Briefing Room in 5 minutes."

Everyone looked to Terry and nodded. He then headed to the briefing room himself. Everyone then finished up their conversations while heading to the briefing room. They all walked in and saw Amy Santiago standing at the front.

"Why are you here and standing at the front?" Jake Peralta asked Amy. "We'll explain soon, just sit down." Amy replied, trying to look professional. Jake looked at her confused but then went to sit down like the others.

Terry took the attendance. Everyone was here except for one person. Within minutes, Captain Holt arrived and stood at the front as well. Terry went over to him. "He's late again." Terry said as he stood at Holt's side. The Captain nodded and began to speak.

"Good morning, everyone. To start today's meeting, I'd like to introduce you all to one of our newest and youngest Detectives of the Nine-Nine." Captain Holt announced in his monotone voice.

You walked in and felt all eyes lay on you. You stood at the front and next to your aunt. "Very professional" Amy whispered to you, causing you to you smile.

"Everyone, this is Y/N Santiago. Amy's niece." Captain Holt introduced you to the crew. You looked at each of the people's faces, some had welcoming smiles, some had disgusted looks, others weren't even paying attention.

"Y/N, Would you like to tell your fellow detectives about yourself?" Captain Holt asked, causing you to turn your head to him immediately. You turned to Amy and she gave you a reassuring nod. "U-Uh sure!" You replied nervously. You and Holt switched places. You stood at the podium nervously.

"H-Hi everyone, I'm Y/N Santiago. I'm 21 years old.. Uh- I used to work at the 98th precinct-" You were then interrupted by Jake. "Wait hold on- How are you related to Amy?" He asked. "David is her dad." Amy replies, Making Jake mouth a realisation "Ohhh" and nod.

"I'm a pretty big Marvel fan, I also like uh- Y/F/S/B and-" You were then interrupted again by someone rushing into the briefing room with their coffee.

"Sorry I'm late! There was a lot of traffic on the way here-" The guy paused as he looked at you. "Thank you, Detective. Please find a seat." Captain Holt instructed and the guy followed his orders by sitting down in the last seat available.

"Continue, please." Holt said, turning to you. "Oh, I was already done." You replied, moving away from the podium and standing back in your spot next to your aunt. She then nodded and smiled at you, making you smile back in response. Captain Holt stood back in his spot.

Holt began explaining the plan for today, giving everyone their own cases to work on. He even gave you a murder case to work on with Jake... Well, Uncle Jake.

"Alright everyone. You are now dismissed." Captain Holt announced to everyone. Everyone began to leave their seats and head back to their work. Your aunt turned to you and put her hands on your shoulders.

"Now, if you need any help, don't be afraid to ask Captain Holt, me or dad. Okay?" She instructed but in a caring tone. You nodded in response and smiled. You and your aunt shared a warm hug. "Your dad and I are so proud of you.." Amy said in a proud and caring tone while pulling away from the hug.

You smiled at your aunt and then walked away, heading to your desk to start with your day.


You walked over to your desk and sat down, setting a few of your belongings down to personalise your desk.

Jake then approached you and sat on the chair next to your desk. "Hey Y/N." He said looking over to you. "Oh hey!" You replied with a smile. You looked over to the case file in his hand. "I'm assuming that's the file for our case?" You ask.

"Oh, right! I was just about to ask you to look through it? I need to go get my cup of coffee, I haven't had any all morning." He complained. "Okay?..." You said, taking the case file from his hand. He then walked away, mouthing something apologetically to a disappointed Terry.

After about 10 minutes, Jake came back with two cups of what you assumed to be coffee.

"And I'm back! I wasn't sure if you drink coffee or tea so I just got you a hot cocoa." He said, sitting on the chair next to your desk again. He then set your hot cocoa on your desk. "Aw, Thanks Uncle Jake." You smiled in response, making Jake smile from his new role as one of your uncles. You took a sip of your hot cocoa and put it to the side so that you didn't spill it.

"So, about the case." You said, turning to your uncle and presenting the case file. "John Lewis, Aged 35, was murdered in his apartment at 11:35pm by his wife who came home late from her late shift." You said pointing out the information to Jake.

"According to this, the murder weapon was a Swiss Army knife." You said to Jake, giving him a surprised expression. "Wow, how would a person be able to kill someone with a Swiss Army knife?" Jake asked surprised. "Oh, trust me you don't wanna know." You said with a scoff. "Come on, Y/N. I'm gonna have to." Jake complained. You sighed and closed the case file.

"The Swiss Army knife was used to make a giant cut down John's-"

"Y'know what let's just go to the crime scene!" Jake said, quickly getting up to avoid to here any more info.
You and Jake walked into the apartment to see different officers, some caution tape, an outline of the body, blood splattered all over the floor and a ruined kitchen. You both began to observe the place, writing down notes on anything important.

After about an hour or two of investigating the crime scene, You went back to Jake. "I just finished the last part of info I need. How about you?" You asked, putting your notepad and pen back in one of your pockets. "I just finished writing it down." Jake replied, also putting his notepad and pen in his pocket too.

"Alright then. Should we go back to precinct?" You asked, earning a nod of approval from your uncle. The both of you left the crime scene to head back to the precinct.
It was about 5pm and you were already finishing off for today. You finished writing down your last part of info before putting the case file to the side. You then got up and grabbed your jacket and phone with the rest of the belongings you needed for the night.

You put on your jacket and held your bag, walking over to Terry to tell him that you were ending your shift for the night.

"Hey Sarge." You went over to his desk. He looked up to you and gave you a warm smile. "Oh Hey! Do you need anything?" He asked. "Oh I'm just gonna head home now. Is that okay?" You asked nervously. "Of course it's okay! Terry doesn't mind. Just make sure you tell him" He said in 3rd person.

You nodded in response and smiled.

"Alright everyone. I'm gonna head home for the night. Thank you for an amazing first day." You said goodbye to the last of your colleagues in the bullpen. "Have a good night, Y/N. We'll see you tomorrow." Captain Holt smiled slightly and you smiled back. You then left the precinct.

This was a successful first day.

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