Season 3 - Episode 1: The Next Month...

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"Morning, Y/N."

You nodded and smiled slightly at Terry as a greeting, not saying anything.

It's been a month since everything happened with you and Ian (Well, Sebastian). Most of the squad was fine...

But you... not so much.

Yeah sure, it's the new year already and you should already be over it by now. But knowing how much you cared for Ian before he revealed who he truly was. Yes, you know you should love your lover for who they are.

But the fact that he wanted to avenge his best friend and his best friend's father who kidnapped YOUR father was just messed up. And he only decided to reveal it when it was too late. Yeah, you didn't want to believe it at first because well, you didn't really trust him at the time. But the fact that the truth was revealed the time where your Captain nearly got shot.

Speaking of getting shot...

Jake Peralta... Your uncle sacrificed himself. He wouldn't be in the hospital right now if Sebastian actually made the right choice and to stop Vin. Your aunt, Amy is currently at his side, getting less and less sleep while trying to be there to support her husband.

Everything that happened a month ago was because of Ian and his gang mates. At this point, you hated him with a passion. You were really happy that he was in prison now. You could never forgive him for what he did to your family.

Plus, without Jake in the precinct, everything was so... boring. Jake always lifted everyone's spirits. Whenever he'd walk into the room, everyone's faces lit up.

Just thinking about everything made you want to unleash your anger and scream-


You looked up from your work and saw Jayden, holding two cups of coffee with a concerned expression on his face. "You okay?" He asked nervously. You nodded, "Yup! I'm fine!" You smiled, covering up your feelings. Jayden looked at you, suspicious. He knew you fake smiled.

"Y/N, don't lie to me." Jayden crossed his arms. You sighed, "Fine. I'm clearly not okay. And I don't want to talk about it now." You grumbled, running a hand through your hair a bit. "Alright. When you're ready, just come talk to me." Jayden smiled, earning a slight smile from you.

Ever since the incident and your break up, You and Jayden have become a lot more closer.

You've started to trust each other even more. Ever since you both apologised for a squabble you had a couple of months ago, you've trusted each other a lot more. You were always there for each other too. You both cared for each other so much that you would stop everything just to make sure either of you were okay.

It was just like the old times.

It was like the both of you never had the argument. You were both close with each other and you both cared for each other just as much as the first few weeks of you being friends. It was like there was no problems in the friendship.

"Ready to go, Y/N?"

You looked up to Jayden after you finished packing up. "Yeah, I'm ready." You smiled slightly, earning a small nod from Jayden.

You grabbed your bag and slung it over your shoulder. You and Jayden began to head out of the precinct.

Once the both of you stepped out of the precinct, you both got into Jayden's car. After you put on your seatbelt, sighed a little bit, nervous to go. Jayden looked over to you and seemed to notice.

"You ready?.." He asked in a gentle tone. You glanced over at him and nodded a little bit. "Are you sure?" He questioned, earning another nod from you. Jayden turned back to the steering wheel.

He then started the car, putting his hands on the wheel.

After a few moments, he began driving...

To the hospital..

((A/N: It's a shitty beginning to the season, ik))

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