Season 1 - Episode 5: Safe House

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(TW: Someone getting kidnapped)

"Here's the plan.."

Jake slammed a stack of paper on a table in the briefing room 'and spread them out while standing next to Captain Holt. Everyone crowded around it, including yourself. You were quite nervous to hear about this plan. Your aunt then placed her hand on your shoulder, reassuringly, making her earn a smile from you.

"We're track this guy down. If needed, we may even have to go undercover." Jake explained. He looked around and everyone nodded response. He began giving the information needed for this case.

"At this point, Thomas has already been spotted in a few locations in New York City. Last night he was spotted in an alleyway near Shaw's Bar." He explained to everyone, pointing out the information that he mentioned that was set on the table.

"One of our top priorities is to protect David and Y/N. The last thing we want is for them to be taken by Thomas and... killed." Jake instructed and looked to you. Everyone looked to you as well. "But how are you going to protect my dad and I when you guys are going to be looking for Thomas?" You asked.

"We're going to have to put you in a safe house." Captain Holt sighed. "Are you sure? I mean- Do you remember how insane Kevin went when he was locked in a safe house with Jake?" Amy asked, recalling the time when Kevin (Captain Holt's Husband) had his life at risk. "I know, but it's our best option." Holt sighed again.

"Me and Amy will show you and your dad to the safe house later on." Jake explained to you. You nodded in response. He then gave you a small smile and continued explaining everything to his fellow detectives.
Jake unlocked the door to the safe house and opened it. You, Your Dad, Amy and Jake walked in one by one. Jake closed the door behind him as he walked in lastly.

You glanced around what seemed to be the living room. The house seemed pretty decent. It had a couch, a rug, a TV mounted on the wall and windows. It had light grey walls. It was overall a nice house.

You walked away from your dad, your aunt and uncle to explore the place. Once again, it was a nice house. The kitchen was quite nice, that was your favourite part of the place. It was the kitchen after all.

"Are you sure this will keep us safe?" David (Your father) asked. "Trust us, David. It will." Amy reassured her brother. "Just don't leave the house. And always keep the curtains closed." She instructed. Your father nodded. "Just in case.. Just look through this." Your aunt handed him a binder. Your father took it and nodded.

"It's a pretty decent place." You said, walking back into the living room. You went over to your dad and stood next to him.

"Well, we better get going." Jake sighed. "Every now and then we'll get someone from the precinct to check on you both." He informed you and your father with a reassuring smile. You smiled back.

An hour after saying your goodbyes to your aunt and uncle, you were already following the instructions from the binder. That included closing the blinds and curtains, trying not to use electronics as it's possible for Thomas to track you down.

These instructions and strategies definitely helped. But no matter what, your lives were still in danger. Your dad kept on trying to reassure you but you still had a bad feeling. All that you could do was be hopeful.

Hopeful enough that you could stay safe..

~A month later~

It was the middle of the night. You were in your room, fast asleep. While your dad was awake in his room, doing some work on his laptop. He was trying to think of ways to help the Nine-Nine find Thomas.

He then heard a sound coming from the kitchen. He didn't think it was that bad, until he heard the sound again. He put his laptop to the side of his bed and grabbed his gun from his bedside table, trying not to make any sound.

He got up and headed to the kitchen. Once he got there, he didn't find anything. No open window, now open curtains or blinds. Nothing.

David headed back to his room. He passed by your room and checked on you as well. While heading to his bedroom, he had an uneasy feeling. He thought someone was in the safe house. Of course, he didn't think so until he heard a chuckle coming from behind him.

As he turned around, he felt a shock of pain hit the side of his head. He fell to the ground and everything went black. He had a slight glimpse of the person that knocked him out, but he couldn't tell who it was exactly..
You woke up to the sound of the city's noises filling your ears. You opened your eyes slowly and saw the bare, white ceiling of the house above you. You glanced around the room and noticed something unusual.

You couldn't hear your dad anywhere.

At this time, your dad would be making breakfast. You would've heard the sound of cereal being poured into a bowl, Or even the sound of sizzling bacon and eggs or pancakes. But you didn't hear any of that this morning.

You got out of bed to look for your dad. You checked the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom even. By the time you got to his room, you felt your fear escalate. You searched the house two more times, but you couldn't find him. You found his phone on his bedside table.

You began to panic. You felt your heart beat get faster and faster by the minute. You ran your hands through your hair, stressed. You felt your eyes blur as tears were starting to form in your eyes.

You quickly grabbed your phone. Your hands were shaking as you scrolled through your contacts. Once you found your aunt's contact you called it immediately. After a minute of waiting, you heard your aunt answer.

"Good morning, Y/N! How is everything?" Amy greeted you. She became very worried as she heard your sobs.

"I can't find my dad.." You whimpered in fear.

"I think Thomas found us..."

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