Season 2 - Episode 5: Confessions

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"Hey, Jake!"

Jake looked up from his work and saw Ian standing there. "Oh! Hey, Ian!" Jake greeted, "How can I help you?" He questioned. "Can we uh- talk for a second?.. In private?.." Ian asked quietly, but loud enough for Jake to hear.

Jake took a glance around the bullpen a little bit confused. He then looked back to Ian. "Sure." Jake replied, standing from his desk. Ian nodded and smiled slightly. He then lead Jake to the briefing room and closed the door behind him.

"So.. What did you want to talk about?" Jake asked, leaning against a table. "Well uh.." Ian sighed, "I've been trying to gain the courage to confess my feelings to.." He trailed off, unsure whether he should tell Jake this really personal information or not.

"Y/N I'm guessing?" Jake guessed as a small smirk creeped onto his face. "Yeah." Ian admitted. "How did you know?" He asked. Jake sighed, "You clearly like her." He pointed out, making Ian blush.

"It's not that obvious.. right?" Ian said nervously. "Well- to most people it isn't really obvious. But to Amy, Gina, Me and somehow Charles, it's pretty obvious." Jake explained. Ian mouthed an "Oh." as more blush slowly began showing on his face.

"Anyways, I was wondering if you could give me any advice on... confessing my feelings to Y/N." Ian asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Jake chuckled a little bit and then thought for a second.

"I don't know, Ian. The best advice I could really give you is just.. speak from the heart, I guess." Jake replied after thinking for a little bit. "How did you confess your feelings to Amy?" Ian questioned.

"I just told her before I went undercover for 6 months." Jake explained. Ian looked at Jake, confused. "Really? You went undercover for 6 months?" Ian asked in disbelief. Jake nodded in response.

"So... You brought me to Starbucks to talk. There's clearly something serious going on."

You sighed and looked to your aunt without saying anything else. "Y/N, tell me what's wrong." Amy said in a slightly stern tone. You looked down nervously. "I need help with confessing my feelings to.." You gulped, "..Ian.." You explained, fiddling with your fingers.

"So you do have a crush.." Amy teased, making you shush her in response. "St-Stop.." You stuttered as you felt your cheeks warm up. Amy giggled before taking a sip from the coffee cup she had.

"Any tips on love confessions?" You asked, looking at your aunt. "Be yourself. Speak from the heart!" She advised, smiling. "That's it?" You asked, slightly disappointed from her advice. "Yup. I'm not really the best person to ask since I technically didn't confess my feelings." She informed you.

"I came to you because you're my aunt." You replied with a small sigh. Amy looked at you and smiled in response. "And also, how did Jake find out that you liked him back?" You asked, confused from your uncle and aunt's love story.

"My ex told him." Amy explained. You gasped and looked at her, shocked.
It was close to 6pm and time for Ian to go home.

Ian began packing the things he needed for the night in his bag. He put in some case files, his jacket and some other stationary things he needed. As he looked around for the things he wanted to bring home, he saw you talking with Jake and Jayden.

He thought for a second, thinking of what he should do. After a second or two, he finally got the last of the confidence he needed. Ian finished packing his bag and swung it over his shoulder. He walked over to You, Jake and Jayden.

"Hey!" Ian greeted, walking over to you. Jake looked over to him, "Oh hey!" He smiled. "Y/N, Is it okay if I borrow you for a little bit?" Ian asked you. You nodded, "Yeah sure." You smiled. Ian smiled back at you. He then glanced at Jake, who nodded at Ian encouragingly. Ian nodded back.

Ian then lead you to the records room so that you could have your conversation privately, leaving Jake and Jayden to continue their conversation without you.

"What was that about?" Jayden asked, confused. Jake grinned, "You'll find out eventually." He replied, patting Jayden's back. Jake then went over to his desk and began packing his bag with the things he needed for the night.
Ian lead you into the records room, closing the door behind him for more privacy. You walked pass him and went to the middle of the room.

"So.. what did you need to talk about?" You turned to Ian as he walked over to you. He looked down, "Well.." he sighed. Ian gulped a little bit, fiddling with his fingers nervously. "There's something I want to tell you." Ian looked up at you again.

"Oh! Well, I've been wanting to tell you something as well." You admitted, looking away nervously. Ian tilted his head, surprised. "Alright then. Do you want to tell me what you need to say first?" He asked. You sighed and gulped a bit, nervous to find out Ian's reaction after you tell him your secret.

"I like you." You said, looking down and fiddling with your fingers. Ian looked at you in surprise. You looked back at him. "And... you don't have to feel the same way about me. It's totally fine if you don't like me back-" You jabbered before being interrupted.

It took you by surprise when Ian kissed you. Your heart was beating quickly, you had a warm and fluttering feeling in your stomach. After panicking for a little bit, you eventually melted into the kiss.

After a few seconds, You and Ian pulled away, leaving about 3 inches between the both of you. You looked up at Ian and stared into his eyes. You felt your hands brush against each other. Ian then took your hand gently. He gazed into your eyes as a small smile formed on his face.

"I.. really like you too.." He admitted with his small smile. You smiled back and opened your mouth to say something, only to be interrupted by someone knocking on the door. You and Ian let go of each other's hand. Ian looked at you, "We'll continue this conversation tomorrow". You nodded,

"Tomorrow it is."

((A/N: I think that this was a shit episode.))

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