Season 3 - Episode 10: The Club

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"We're gonna go in about 20 minutes."

Jayden nodded at the other police officer before they left. He then went to get ready.

After a few minutes, he was nearly ready. He wore a collared dress shirt, pants and a suit jacket, which were all the same black colour. He also wore some black dress shoes and a gold chain necklace around his neck. He had to wear this so that he could fit into the crowd.

While he was fixing his collar, he heared a couple of knocks on the door. "Come in!" He said, loud enough for the person who knocked to hear.

Within moments, you walked in, closing the door behind you.

"Hey, I'm just here to check on you to make sure you're-.." You paused as you saw Jayden in his suit, "...ready..." You finished.

You stared at him, gulping a little bit. You had to be honest. Jayden did look pretty hot.

'C'mon, Y/N. Have some dignity.' You scolded yourself in your mind as you stopped staring at your best friend and colleague.

"You alright?" Jayden asked you, looking at your flustered self in the mirror. "O-Oh.. I'm fine." You said instantly, stuttering a bit. Jayden stared at you with a suspicious look before grinning.

"Anyways.." Jayden turned around to you, "How do I look?" He asked you with a small smile. "You look great!" You smiled back as you looked at him.

"Okay. Are you sure everything's okay? There's nothing wrong with the collar?" He asked, slightly worried.

"Well, maybe the collar needs a couple of adjustments." You responded, walking over to him.

You stood in front of him and sighed. You went to fix his shirt a bit, but hesitated.

"May I?..." You asked nervously. He smiled reassuringly and nodded. You smiled back at him and began to fix up his dress shirt.

You started with unbuttoning a few of the top buttons of his dress shirt. As you unbuttoned his shirt, you saw his bare chest, making your cheeks heat up a little. You then began to fix up his shirt's collar. You could tell that he was staring at you as you fixed his shirt, but you didn't let it distract you.

After a few moments, you finished fixing up his shirt.

"And.. done." You said, letting go of his shirt. You looked up at him, making him stop his endearing gaze.

Jayden turned and faced the mirror. He took a look at himself and smiled. "What do you think?" You asked, smiling as well.

"I love it." He turned back to you, making the both of you smile even more. "Thank you so much. For this and just.. being here with me" Jayden said, smiling. "Of course." You responded, smiling as well. You looked into each other's eyes endearingly.

You both started to lean in...

Only to be interrupted by a knock on the door.

You and Jayden's eyes widened as you looked at each other. You both looked to the door and saw Shaun enter the room a maroon coloured suit, just like Jayden's. He saw the both of you and had a mischievious grin form on his face.

"Did I interrupt something?" Shaun asked, looking at the both of you with a smirk on his face.

"N-No..." Jayden stuttered out, starting to blush.

"Hm... Okay then." Shaun responded, smirking. "Anyways, It's time to go." He informed.

"Oh. Alright." Jayden sighed before turning to you.

Detective Y/N Santiago [SEASONS 1 - 3]Where stories live. Discover now