Season 3 - Episode 6: Meeting Again

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"So they should be here apparently..."

Jayden and Shaun entered a cafe, hearing a small bell chime as the door closed behind them.

The two detectives glanced around the small cafe, seeing a few people sitting in a table or booth each, busy on their latops and phones. As well as the cafe workers doing their jobs. Clearly, there weren't any other people that looked like the criminals they were searching for.

"...Are you sure they're here?.." Shaun questioned Jayden, looking to him. "Yeah, I'm sure." Jayden responded. "By the way- I'm hungry." Jayden said before going to order some food for himself.

Shaun followed Jayden and went to order his own food.

After they finished ordering, they went and sat in one of the booths.

Jayden glanced around the small cafe, seeing if there was anything suspicious. He then saw the back of a girl's head. He stared at her dark hoodie. Shaun glanced over to Jayden, "Dude why are you staring at them?.." Shaun whispered to Jayden.

"Her hoodie looks awfully familiar. It looks like Y/N's." Jayden responded, still looking at the girl. "Wait, is it Y/N?" Jayden asked. Shaun looked in the direction Jayden was staring in, "I don't think it's her." He responded.

"That's because you haven't seen her or met her." Jayden looked to Shaun.

"Okay fine. Tell me about her then. What's she like?" Shaun asked, turning back to Jayden. He sighed and looked down a bit.

"Y/N... She's absolutely amazing." Jayden smiled to himself, thinking about her. "She's sweet, she's funny, talented.." He continued. "And she has this smile that just.. lights up my whole world." He continued to rant.

"She's literally the best." Jayden said, with a daydreaming-like look on his face.

"Okay, another question. Are you in love with Y/N?" Shaun smirked, making Jayden look back at him.

"What?- No, no, no, I'm not in love with Y/N." Jayden denied, flustered.

"Are you sure? You were pretty much daydreaming as you described her." Shaun pointed out, making Jayden blush even more.

"Okay, maybe I'm still in love with Y/N..." Jayden said quietly, but loud enough for Shaun to hear. Shaun chuckled and nudged Jayden. "S-Shut up, dude.." Jayden blushed in response. "Okay, okay. I'll just tell Y/N when I see her." Shaun smirked, making Jayden's eyes widen.

"Don't you dare tell her." Jayden scolded.

"She's gonna have to find out eventually." Shaun pointed out. It was a valid point.

"Yeah, but she can't know. Not now." Jayden said in a serious tone. "She's been through too much lately." He sighed.

Suddenly, Jayden and Shaun heared a loud noise come from the back of the store. The two men looked at each other before glancing to the door that led to the back of the store.

They then heared multiple loud sounds.

This time they were gunshots.

Many of the customers started freaking out and screaming. They all headed towards the front enterance of the cafe, before being stopped by multiple people who were in suits and wearing masks.

Suddenly, a guy stood up on a table. "Everyone shut the fuck up and get down on the ground!" He commanded, making everyone obey his order.

"Now, where the hell is Y/N Santiago?!" He shouted again, making a few people flinch. Shaun and Jayden looked at each other. Shaun quietly grabbed his phone and dialed a number secretly.

"If you don't reveal yourself now, we will start to kill people until we find you!" The man shouted, making the customers exclaim in worry.


After a few minutes, Shaun put his phone in his pocket. He then turned to Jayden.

"Back up's gonna be here in about 10 minutes. They said to protect the customers for now." Shaun informed Jayden quietly, earning a nod. Shaun then turned back to the situation.

"Alright, Y/N. You leave me no choice but to start choosing the victims." The man with the mask shrugged. He then grabbed a young woman, wrapping his arm around her neck while aiming a gun at her head with his other hand.

"This is your last chance Y/N." The man warned, making the woman continue sobbing quietly.

"Y/N isn't here." Jayden stood up with Shaun. The man in the mask turned to the two detectives.

"No, she is." The man replied. "How do you know that?" Jayden questioned. "If she was here, her and Jayden would literally be makin-" Shaun was interrupted by Jayden nudging him.

"I know she's here because the guy that I killed about... 10 minutes ago told me she was here." The man responded, making Shaun's eyes widen.

"Well, clearly he was lying." Jayden shrugged.

After a few moments, red and blue flashing lights shined through the cafe's windows. "What the fuck is the police doing here?.." The man in the mask mumbled, confused and worried.

"They're here to help them out. So am I." The girl in the hoodie said with her familiar voice. Jayden darted his eyes towards her, confused. He then looked back to the guy with the mask.

"Exactly, so.." Shaun trailed off...

"Drop your weapon and put up your hands!" Jayden demaned as he and Shaun pulled out their guns and badges, showing them to the man in the mask.

The people in masks and suits surrendered and did what Jayden ordered. Within seconds, the police entered the cafe and began to arrest the people in the masks. Some of the policemen began to escort the other customers out of the cafe.

Jayden and Shaun put their guns and badges away.

Jayden looked around and saw the girl in the hoodie beginning to be escorted out of the store.

"Hey wait!" Jayden called out as he and Shaun went over to her. The police officer escorting her left them alone.

"What did you mean when you said you were here to help us as well?" Jayden questioned the girl. "Yeah, who even are you?" Shaun questioned right after Jayden. The girl chuckled and took off her hood and face mask. Jayden looked at her shocked.

"Hi." You grinned slightly.


Detective Y/N Santiago [SEASONS 1 - 3]Where stories live. Discover now