Season 3 - Episode 8: Where is Y/N?

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Everyone in the bullpen looked up from their work as David Santiago stomped into the bullpen.

"Well, it's good to see you too, brother." Amy said to her brother in an annoyed tone. "Yeah, Hi, Amy. I just wanna know where my daughter is?!" David responded in a loud and worried voice.

"Mr Santiago, please, calm down." Captain Holt said as he walked over to the worried father. David nodded as he began to calm down slightly and sit down in the chair next to Charles' desk.

"We are currently trying to find out where Y/N is too. Do you know anything about where she may have gone?" Holt asked David, who was hyperventilating a bit. David handed a small letter to the Captain. Holt took the letter carefully from David's trembling hands.

Captain Holt put on his glasses and began to read the letter.

Dear Dad,

If you are reading this, It means that you're awake, and I'm already gone.

I am going to be leaving for a case. I don't how long I'll be gone, but I promise I'll be back soon.

The reason why I'm doing this is to protect my family. You and the Nine-Nine. Which is why I had to leave.

Please take care of everyone for me. Especially Aunt Amy. Also, when I come back (if I actually do), tell me how Uncle Jake's going.

Stay safe, please. The last thing I'd want is for you to be in danger.

Anyways, I'll miss you and the Nine-Nine so much.

Te amo,

Captain Holt sighed as he finished reading the letter.

"What did it say?.." Rosa asked Holt, earning a sigh from him. "Y/N's followed Jayden on his mission. She's accompaining him." Holt informed the Nine-Nine. He heared a few gasps as he explained what happened.

"Well, we have to go find her and bring her back here, right?" Amy asked, earning a few approving nods from everyone.

"Wait, everyone shut up." Rosa said, making everyone turn to her.

"I don't think we should stop her." Rosa explained. "And why shouldn't we?" Terry questioned the detective.

"She said she's doing this for us. And knowing her, if she's putting herself in a dangerous situation, then the situation might be a lot more dangerous than we think." She explained to everyone. "She's doing this to protect us. And if we stop her, then all of us are in a lot more danger." Rosa continued.

"I agree." Gina responded. "So do I." Boyle responded as well. Rosa glanced around and saw everyone give an approving nod. She then turned to Captain Holt.

"What do you say, sir?" Rosa asked Holt. He sighed in response before nodding.

"Alright, we'll let her be." Holt agreed. "Plus, her and Jayden can always come to us if they need more help." Terry added, smiling. Everyone agreed.

David sighed and looked down thinking,

"Please... Stay safe."

Detective Y/N Santiago [SEASONS 1 - 3]Where stories live. Discover now