Season 2 - Episode 9: Case #4 - Terry and Rosa

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"Apparently nobody is having any luck with their cases."

Terry gave Rosa a confused expression. "But the people working on this case are the best detectives of the Nine-Nine!" Terry replied, looking at the other detectives at work, then back at Rosa. "Yeah. Usually it'd take everyone at least 1 to 3 weeks to solve cases like these." Rosa pointed out as well.

"True. But I guess we all need more time." Terry replied with a sigh. "Yeah. Anyways, do you have any new leads? I won't be surprised if you don't." Rosa asked Terry, turning to him. He shook his head in response, "Well, obviously I don't. What about you?" He asked. "Nope. I don't have anything either." Rosa replied with a small shrug.

"It's just... really weird that these cases are all kinda similar. I mean, they have quite a few differences but a similarity is that they all can't be solved." Terry l conversed as he looked through the case file of the case that he and Rosa were working on.

Rosa then came up with something.

"What if they were all related somehow?" She suggested, turning to Terry. He tilted his head in confusion, "But there were different fingerprints on the weapons?" Terry pointed out. Rosa shook her head, "No, Sarge, what if they're in a group? What if these cases were apart of something bigger?" Rosa explained. Terry was starting to understand, but he was still pretty confused.

"They all happened on the same night. They have to be closely related!" Rosa continued, giving some good points. Terry came to realise that she was probably right. "We gotta tell this to Captain Holt." He stood up from his chair and went to Captain Holt's office. Rosa followed behind him. When Terry arrived in front of the door to Holt's office, he knocked.

"Come in." Captain Holt called out as he was still looking at his laptop. Terry and Rosa entered the office.

"Sir, I think we have a lead. It could probably benefit everyone with their cases." Terry said as he stood in front of Holt's desk with Rosa. Holt looked up from his laptop. "How so?" He asked. Terry looked to Rosa, signalling her to explain to Holt.

"We think that all the cases that everyone is working on are related." Rosa explained, "They all happened on the same night and all the cases have left everyone at similar stages." Rosa pointed out. Holt nodded a little bit as she explained. "I do believe that it is a good theory, Detective Diaz." Hold told Rosa,

"But you're going to have to support it with some more evidence..."


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