Season 1 - Episode 15: Happy New Year?... [SEASON 1 FINALE]

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"Dad, have you finished up with the food?"

You rushed into the kitchen. You saw that your dad was finally finished with setting out the food. You sighed in relief. "Okay, that looks perfect!" You approved your dad's work. "Of course it does." Your dad replied jokingly. The both of you laughed.

Then you heard the door knock.

"I'll get it!" You chirped. You ran over to the door and opened it to see the Nine-Nine.

"Heyyy!" You greeted them with a huge smile on your face. They all greeted you back with smiles on their faces. You opened the door wider and stood to the side, letting them in your apartment. You greeted everyone as they walked inside. The first person that walked inside was Captain Holt and his husband, Kevin.

"Hi Captain Holt! I'm guessing this is Kevin?" You asked. "Yes it is. Kevin, This is Y/N Santiago. The newest detective of the Nine-Nine." Captain Holt introduced you to his husband. Kevin shook hands with you, "It is very nice to finally meet you, Y/N". You smiled, "It's nice to meet you too! Thanks for coming to the party."

The next person that walked in was Terry and his family. "Sarge! Hi!" You greeted him. "Hey Y/N! This is my wife Sharon, and my three daughters. Cagney, Lacey and Ava." He introduced you to his family. You said 'Hello' to each of them with a smile on your face. They went inside the apartment.

You finally saw Jake and Amy. You greeted them and hugged them both. "Thank you so much for coming!" You smiled. "No worries, Thanks for inviting us." Jake replied with a smile. "Where's your dad?" Amy asked. "My dad's in the kitchen." You informed Amy. She nodded in response and went inside the apartment.

You greeted everyone who came inside to the apartment. Including Rosa and her girlfriend and Boyle and his family. Unfortunately, Scully and Hitchcock and Gina had their own plans for New Years. Of course, that was completely fine with you.

You then saw your final guest coming over to you. And surprise, surprise. It was Jayden. You smiled and the both of you shared a small hug. "Thank you so much for coming." You thanked him, pulling away from the hug. "Of course!" Jayden smiled. The both of you went inside the apartment.

You saw everyone looking at the both of you again. "What?..." Jake questioned them, confused. They darted their eyes between you and Jayden. You sighed. "Y'know what? Let's just get this party started!" You asked, changing the subject.

Everyone cheered.
It was a couple of hours since the party started. The kids were in your spare bedroom, watching their TV show cartoons. The adults were just getting wasted. Most people were about 3 drinks in already. The adults were scattered around the house. Some were in the kitchen, eating or again, getting wasted.

You were sitting on your couch in the living room. You started to get a little bored. You tried to think about how you could make this party more entertaining. Then you remembered that you had a few board games. You got up from the couch and headed to your bedroom.

You walked in and saw the kids with their eyes glued to the TV. You smiled a little bit and went over to them.

"Hey kiddos!" You greeted them. They all turned to you. "Hi Y/N!" They all greeted you back in unison. "Having fun?" You asked them. "Yeah I guess.. Do you have any video games we can play though?" Nikolaj replied. "I have a Spider-Man game.. But I think it's a little mature for you all." You informed them, feeling bad.

They all groaned, disappointed. "But I do have a few Board games!" You reassured them. They all cheered. You smiled and went over to your closet. You found the Clue board game and Cards Against Humanity for everyone outside. You also got Twister for the kids to play. You closed your closet and went over to the kids.

Detective Y/N Santiago [SEASONS 1 - 3]Where stories live. Discover now