Season 2 - Episode 1: New Year, New Detectives

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"Welcome back, everyone."

Everyone looked to Captain Holt as he welcomed everyone back. Everyone had just come back from their breaks, excited to see and catch up with their colleagues. It's been a few weeks since everyone has seen each other since the New Year's Eve party.

Speaking of the New Year's Party, You and Jayden Collins had created some strange feelings between the both of you. You and Jayden haven't spoken to each other since the New Year's Eve party. So when the both of you returned to work, everything was so awkward between you and him.

But the both of you had to talk about what happened eventually. So, You and Jayden decided to talk as soon as you both got to work.

You walked through the elevator doors and walked through the gate. You walked into the bullpen and saw your favourite aunts and uncles smiling at you. You smiled back, happy to see them again.

"Welcome back, Y/N!" Jake greeted you as his wife ran over to you excitedly with open arms. "Thanks, Uncle Jake!" You greeted him back with a smile. You then hugged your aunt and gave her a light squeeze. The both of you pulled away from the hug and looked at each other.

"So, How was your break?" Amy asked, ready to hear any of the tea you had to spill. "It was okay. I just stayed home and binged watched TV shows." You replied with a shrug. Charles groaned, "Come on.. That's boring! What about you and Jayden?" Charles asked, wanting to hear something exciting.

"Yeah, We haven't talked since the New Year's party..." You replied, remembering what happened on New Year's Eve. "But aren't you and Jayden best friends?" Terry questioned, clearly not remembering what happened. He looked to everyone and they tried to avoid eye contact with him.

"Y/N, what happened to you and Jayden on New Year's Eve?.." Terry asked you. You crossed your arms and pulled the skin of your neck nervously. Amy nudged you, telling you to respond to your boss. When you opened your mouth to speak, someone walked into the bullpen.

"What's going on?" The familiar voice asked. Your eyes widened and you turned around to see Jayden.

The both of you looked at each other and made eye contact. You and Jayden looked away from each other quickly.

"Do you want to talk right now?" Jayden asked, putting his bag on his desk chair. "I-If you don't mind.." You replied, rubbing the back of your neck nervously. Jayden nodded and the both of you headed to the evidence room to speak in private.
You and Jayden stood in front of each other awkwardly.

You didn't know how to start the conversation about what happened. You weren't sure if Jayden was either. You were both worried whether this was going to change your friendship completely. You didn't know what to blame either. The alcohol or Jayden?

After a few minutes of awkward silence, you finally faced your fears and spoke up.

"So uh... About.. New Year's..." you started, fiddling with your fingers. "Look, Y/N, I am so sorry about that.. I was really drunk and- I wasn't thinking." Jayden apologised quickly. "I know.." You sighed. "But do you realise how you just... changed our friendship?" You asked him.

"I- Yes.. And I am so so sorry about that.." Jayden continued to apologise. You could see how much he regretted the kiss at this point. You looked down and sighed. "Look... I love you. But.. I'm not sure if we're the right people for each other... Romantic Relationship-wise" You said nervously, looking up at him.

"Okay- Because over the holidays I thought that too.." Jayden replied and looked down at you. "Yeah.." You sighed. "A-Anyways.. Do you still wanna be friends? It's okay if not-" You asked him, rubbing your arm nervously. "Of course!" Jayden smiled. You nodded smiling.

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