Season 3 - Episode 12: By His Side

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"You okay?..."

You looked up and saw Shaun. You stared at him with tears in your eyes.

"Okay, so you aren't.." Shaun sighed, sitting on the chair next to you. You looked away and continued staring at the ground. Shaun looked to you, concerned. He could tell that you were more anxious than you seemed to be.

"Hey..." Shaun started, making you look to him. "Don't worry. He's going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay." He reassured.

You stared at the blurred vision of Shaun, caused by your tears of anxiety and guilt. You looked away.

"And what if everything doesn't end up okay? What if he doesn't end up okay?" You questioned, making Shaun sigh.

"Trust me, Y/N." Shaun responded.

You looked back to him, "How come the people who say "Trust me" are always the ones who end up betraying you?" You asked. Shaun shrugged, "I don't know." He replied. "But I can assure you, I'm not one of those people." He smiled a bit.

"..Hm.." You replied.

Moments later, a nurse walked up to you and Shaun.

"Are you the detectives here for Jayden Collins?" The nurse asked. "Yes we are." You confirmed. They nodded, "Alright. Please, follow me." They said. You and Shaun nodded before getting up. The nurse lead the both of you to Jayden's room.

"He's doing okay. The only problems are the facts that he lost quite a bit of blood and he's still unconcious. We're not exactly sure when he'll wake up, but it should be soon." The nurse informed you and Shaun as you all walked infront of his room. "If you need anything, please let me or any of the nurses know." They informed.

"Okay, thank you." Shaun said with a small smile. The nurse smiled back at him and walked away.

You walked in nervously and hesitantly.

You then saw Jayden laying in his hospital bed, hooked up to wires and unconscious. As you stared at him, you had déjà vu. You remembered being in the same place as before when visiting Jake. The only difference is that the person who was comforting you is in the same place as your uncle now.

You hesitantly walked over to him and sat on the chair next to his bed, trying not to break down into tears.

Shaun stood behind you, "Do you want me to give you a minute with him?" He asked you. You turned to him and nodded in response.

"Alright.. Let me know when you need me to come back." Shaun responded with a small sigh, walking out of Jayden's hospital room.

You then looked back to Jayden. You glanced at all of the wires, connecting him to the machines surrounding him. You looked to Jayden's unconscious and bandaged up self, making you look down.

"I'm sorry.." You looked back at him with tears rolling down your cheek. "I-I'm sorry I couldn't... protect you." You stuttered out as tears started flooding down your face. "I wanted to come here so I could protect you from ending up like... this." You continued as tears continued to fill up your eyes.

"A-And look where I am now... failing the one of the main things I was supposed to do.." You looked down again, crying.

"I-It's all my fault.."
After a few moments of crying, you heard a familiar voice speak.

"It's not your fault.." The voice said. You looked up from the ground and saw Jayden looking to you, smiling weakly. You gasped softly and smiled.

"Even though you came here to protect me and help me by being by my side through all of this, I did this in the first place to protect you and everyone that I care about most.." Jayden continued, making the both of you smile more.

"So we were pretty much protecting each other." You said, making Jayden nod. "Yup. Even though we had to go through so much shit to do so." Jayden responded, making the both of you chuckle.

"Well, I'm just glad you're okay and safe now." You looked to him, smiling.

"And so am I." He responded, smiling back.

You went over to Jayden and embraced him, giving him a light squeeze before pulling away. You then looked into each other's eyes, smiling.

"For fuck's sake, just get together already!" Shaun called out to the both of you, making you and Jayden roll your eyes.


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