Season 3 - Episode 14: Stakeout

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"Y/N, guess who's here!"

"Shaun, I thought we weren't letting any other people into the room-" You stopped talking as you saw Jayden standing there.

"Hey.." You said, smiling.

"Hey.." Jayden smiled. You went over to Jayden and the both of you embraced each other. The both of you pulled away from the hug and looked at each other smiling. "Uh.. How was everything while I was gone?" You asked.

"Oh, well, everything was okay. As you can tell I learned how to walk properly again." Jayden informed you. "I know! Good for you! I'm glad you're okay now" You smiled even more.

You and Jayden looked at each other for a few moments.

"Okay, as much as I ship you both, we have to start this stakeout. Thomas and Howard could be on their way." Shaun interrupted you both. Jayden rolled his eyes in response. "Alright then. Let's go ahead and start." You responded.
Jayden and Shaun had the first shift while you were asleep.

"So... How was your stay at the hospital?" Shaun asked. Jayden shrugged, "It was alright. Just loads of check-ups and what not. Pretty much the usual thing you'd expect when staying at a hospital." He informed Shaun while working on a few things.

"Are you sure nothing special happened?" Shaun smirked, making Jayden looked back at him.

"Y'know you're really reminding me of my colleague Charles." Jayden informed Shaun. "Is that good or bad?" Shaun asked. Jayden sighed, "Well, he is a really nice person. But ALWAYS wants to know about people's love life." He responded.

"So I'm guessing that's good." Shaun said proudly.

"The fact that you both have the same level of interest of your friend's love life isn't that good though." Jayden pointed out.

Shaun sighed, "True."
For the second shift, it was you and Shaun.

"If you don't mind me asking, what did you and Jayden talk about?" You asked Shaun. He shrugged in response, "He talked about how I was a lot like your apparent colleague/uncle Charles." He responded.

"Oh my gosh, that is actually so true!" You turned to Shaun. He raised an eyebrow, "Seriously?"

"Yes seriously! You're both obsessed with your friends' love lives, you love food and musical theatre!" You pointed out. "I am not obsessed with musical theatre." Shaun denied. You looked to him.

"Says the one who was blasting the soundtrack of Dear Evan Hansen on the radio on the way here." You exposed him.

You and Jayden had the third shift together.

At first, neither of you knew what to say. But eventually the conversation started.

While you were eating food and working, you dropped some of the food on your lap.

"Ay, Dios." You mumbled, going to clean it up. Jayden looked to you, "Qué? (What)" He said, making you look back at him in surprise. He looked back at you in confusion. "What? What's wrong?" He asked.

"I didn't know you could speak Spanish." You responded in surprise. Jayden shrugged "Well, I only know the phrases like Hola, Qué, Niña and Niño... The simple phrases pretty much." He explained, making you nod.

"What about ¿Cómo estás?" You asked. Jayden thought for a moment. "I'm pretty sure that means 'How are you?'.." Jayden responded hesitantly. You nodded, "Very good!" You smiled, impressed.

"What about.." You thought, "'Buenos dias'?" You asked him. Jayden thought for another moment. "'Good morning' I think.." He responded, making you smile more. "Bueno!" You responded, smiling.

Jayden smiled proudly, "Yay! What's the next phrase?" Jayden asked, looking to you. You looked down, thinking.

"Te amo." You said, looking back at him. Jayden stared at you for a moment.

He then tilted his head to the side, "What?..." He responded in confusion. "Te amo." You repeated again. Jayden looked at you even more confused, "What does that mean?" He asked. "Well it means.." You started, before stopping yourself to think.

"Y-Y'know what.. Nevermind." You smiled, looking back at your work. Jayden looked at you suspiciously, "Okay then.." He replied before going back to work.

After a little while, you both saw a few black cars pull up in the back alleyway you were spying on. You and Jayden glanced at each other, then back at the cars. Moments later, you heard Shaun walk behind the both of you.

"What the hell is going on?.." Shaun asked, before being shushed by you and Jayden. All three of you then looked down at the black cars.

Then, Thomas and Walter Howards and their guards stepped out of one of the cars while other Ghost Gang members stepped out of their black vehicles. You saw some very familiar faces. Including Nathan Coulson, as well as his boyfriend Oliver, and unfortunately...

Sebastian Martinez, aka Ian Morales, aka your ex boyfriend.

You tensed up a little bit as you saw his face. Jayden looked to you, concerned. Shaun saw Sebastian and gasped, "Holy shit, is that your ex Ian?" He asked. You continued staring at Sebastian, "His name wasn't really Ian.. And I don't want to believe that's him." You responded.

Then, Vin Ross walked onto the scene. Thomas and Walter stood on either side of him. He then began to speak.

"This is it, everyone. We're about to go into a dangerous battle. But fear not, it will bring us victory." Vin said to the large group of people. "The Nine-Nine has done many terrible things to us. To this family." He continued.

"Now, we will make the Nine-Nine pay for their mistakes." Vin smirked, making everyone nod in agreement.

"We're going to take down the Nine-Nine!" Thomas cheered, making the rest of the Ghost Gang cheer along.

Shaun gasped in shock. "No, no, no.." Jayden started to panic a little bit. You continued looking down at the Ghost Gang in speechless horror.

Suddenly, Thomas was making his big speech, Vin looked up. He then saw You, Jayden and Shaun. He then shushed Thomas and pointed up to all three of you. Everyone looked up as well.

Thomas grinned, "Looks like we have our first members we need to bring down.. And it turns out they're the "best" ones."

Shaun and Jayden looked to each other. Jayden nodded, "Call backup right now." He ordered. Shaun nodded and went to call backup. You continued looking down at the Ghost Gang, especially Thomas and Vin.


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