Season 1 - Episode 3: A Day With The Santiagos

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"Morning, Y/N!"

Jayden greeted you as you walked over to your desk with your cup of Espresso. "Good morning. I see you're early!" You said with a surprised smile while putting your coffee on the desk. You both chuckled as you hung your jacket and bag on your chair.

"Briefing room, 5 minutes." Terry said as he walked pass the desk and into the briefing room. You looked to Jayden and the both of you headed to the briefing room. You and Jayden sat at the same table together.

After about 10 minutes, Captain Holt walked in and began discussing about the agenda for the day. He assigned different cases to different people, while the rest of you had to do paperwork. And by the rest of you, It's pretty much you and Jayden.

"Dismissed" Holt said, making everyone get up from their seats and begin heading to do their jobs. "Except for you, Y/N." He spoke again, making you turn around. You looked to Jayden again and he gave you an encouraging nod. He then went to do his work and you went over to Holt.

"How can I help you, Captain?" You asked. "Oh, I just called you over to inform you that you will be spending the day with your father and aunt." He claimed, making you nod. "Do you know when they're coming to get me?" You asked.

"They're coming in about 10 minutes so I suggest you get ready." Holt replied. You mouthed an 'Oh' to your self. "Dismissed." Holt said. You nodded and walked away from the Captain, heading back to your desk.

"So?.." Jayden asked as you sat back down. "I'm not gonna be here for the day." You concluded. "Oh come on! You get to go out and I have to do stupid paperwork!" Jayden complained as he threw his hands up in the air, mad.

"I mean you could ask Captain or Sarge? But I'm pretty sure they might say No." You suggested as you put your jacket on. Jayden snapped his fingers and pointed finger guns at you. "Good idea." He smiled. He then got up and went to Captain Holt's office.

~2 minutes later~

"And they both said no." Jayden sighed as he sat in his chair and slumped in it. You sighed as well. "So sad. It would've been fun for you to come with me and my family though." You said sadly.

"Can I just say I'm on my lunch break?" Jayden suggested, making you give him a 'seriously?' Look. "Jayden, it's 10am. They're not going to fall for it. I'm sorry." You explained, making Jayden groan in annoyance. "And hey, you'll probably bump into us at Starbucks" You said, with a shrug.

You then heard a ding come from the elevator. You turned around and saw your dad and aunt walk out of the elevator and into the bullpen. You smiled brightly.

"Dad! Amy!" You exclaimed excitedly as you skipped into their arms. "How have you been, sweetie?" Your dad asked as you all pulled away from the group hug. "It's been good!" You smiled even more and turned to the rest of the Nine-Nine.

"Have you been taking care of her?" Amy asked in a threatening tone to everyone else. "Oh don't worry, Amy. They've been great. And I can take care of myself." You reassured your aunt, making her nod in response.

"We hope you have a good day together." Terry said with a smile. "Thanks, Sarge." You smiled back at him. "Well, we'll see you back here later then!" Jake said, making you, your dad and aunt nod.

"Alrighty. See ya later, everyone!" You said, making everyone say "Bye" back to you. As soon as you got onto the elevator and the doors shut, everyone went back to work.
"So, what should we do first?" Amy asked as you all stood on the footpath together. "Well, I was thinking we could go get something to eat and just- catch up with everything?" Your dad suggested. They both turned to you and you nodded in approval.

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