Season 2 - Episode 20: Love and Lies [SEASON FINALE]

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"Thanks again."

The taxi driver nodded at you before driving away.

You walked into your apartment building and headed to your apartment. When you got to your front door, you rummaged through your bag. You then pulled out your keys and used them to unlock the door to your apartment.

You walked into your apartment, shutting the front door behind you. You headed to your bedroom to get dressed.

After a little while, you walked out of your bedroom in some sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. You walked into your kitchen and got some food to eat. You walked out of your kitchen, holding a bag of chips. You went to your living room and plopped down onto your couch.

You switched on your TV and went to Netflix. You then began to watch one of your favourite TV shows.
Sebastian (Ian) and Nathan (Arthur) headed back to the warehouse where they were greeted by the rest of the Ghost Gang.

Everyone applauded them, welcoming them back.

Nathan looked around the room and saw Oliver, making his smile grow. Oliver noticed Nathan as well and rushed to him. Both of the gentlemen ran towards each other and into each other's arms. Sebastian watched them in awe.

Sebastian looked over and saw his boss, Vin Ross, walking over to him. Sebastian straightened his posture, trying to look presentable. Vin chuckled and shook his head before embracing Sebastian lovingly.

"Welcome back, Seb.." Vin smiled, pulling away from the hug and placing his hands on Sebastian's shoulders. "I'm glad to be back sir." Sebastian smiled slightly.

Vin smiled back. "Now, we must hurry. We have 4 hours.." Vin continued, making everyone go back to their stations to continue preparing. Vin walked away, leaving Sebastian standing in the middle of the crowded warehouse.

Tonight was the night. Tonight was the night he was risking everything. Ian could probably end up in prison. Or even worse, he might not even make it out of here alive. Everything that could possibly happen just scared him.
It was finally time.

Sebastian and Nathan were in a van, heading to the 99th precinct to well... murder the precinct's captain. Vin wanted to tag along and so did Oliver. So, they were in the van as well, while some of the other Ghost Gang members were on their way to the prison where Thomas and Walter Howards were being held.

Adrenaline surged through Sebastian's veins. If he had to be honest, he was scared as fuck. He was scared that the last time he was gonna be free was when he was commiting a crime. He was scared the last time he was gonna see you was when you were running away from him.

Nathan seemed to notice that Sebastian was scared. Nathan placed a hand on Sebastian's shoulder, smiling reassuringly. Sebastian looked to Nathan and smiled back at him, nodding a bit.

After a few moments, Oliver pulled up to a secret entrance in the precinct. "We're here." Oliver informed the other three gentlemen in the van.

"Alright. Gentlemen, this operation is going to be quick. We're gonna be in and out, okay?" Vin instructed, earning nods from both Sebastian and Nathan. "Alright, let's go." Vin said, putting on his mask before leaving the van. Sebastian did the same.

Before Nathan exited the van, he turned to Oliver.

"Stay safe, okay?..." Oliver said with a small smile. Nathan nodded back at him, placing his hand on Oliver's cheek. Before Nathan left, him and Oliver shared a small kiss. After a few moments, Nathan pulled away.

"I love you." Nathan smiled. Oliver smiled back, feeling his cheeks heat up. Nathan smiled even more and slipped on his mask, exiting the van.
Jake was exiting the precinct after finishing his shift for the night.

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