Season 2 - Episode 7: Case #2 - Jake and Charles

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"Let's hope that this murder case is dope."

Jake and Charles went into the house and immediately saw blood everywhere. "Oh my gosh... This is the most blood I've seen ever since the Andrew Adams case." Jake cringed, glancing around the house. "It's like.. a bloody painting." Charles glanced around. Jake nodded in agreement.

"Detectives, The blood was smeared everywhere when we got here." One of the uniformed officers said, walking over to Jake and Charles. "Is that dope enough?" Charles asked, looking to Jake. "Sort of. But it's not enough to make this whole case dope." Jake replied. "Who's the vic[tim]?" He asked, turning to the uniformed officer. "All three of them are unknown. But we're currently trying to find out who they are." The officer replied.

"Ooh.. Three unknown victims! Dope." Jake said, intrigued. "Who found the bodies?" Charles asked, slightly tilting his head. "The neighbour was delivering something to the first victim. When the victim didn't answer the door, the neighbour ended up calling the police and Officer Cameron." The uniformed officer pointed towards to Officer Cameron.

"Alright this case just took a sharp turn from dope." Jake said disappointed. "But we do believe that the other two victims were apart of the first victims murder." The uniformed officers informed, earning an excited gasp from both Jake and Charles.

Jake smiled excitedly, "Alright I officially classify this case as dope!" He exulted happily.
Jake and Charles have been exhausted as they have been working on this case. The last leads they ever got was about how the blood was everywhere at the crime scene (Turns out it was the blood of the victims when they were fighting the main perp of the case). The other lead was the identities of the other two perps/victims and the main victim. The two perp victims were brothers named Lyndon and Jaxon Jordan. The main victim was Daniel Perez.

But besides that evidence, they couldn't seem to find anything else. They couldn't find out why the murder occured or who the murderer of all the men was. No traces of the murder was left behind. Both Jake and Charles were losing an hour of sleep every day until they didn't get any sleep at all.

One of the hardest parts of working on the case was talking to each the victim's relatives. Charles was hurt to see each of the families mourn their loved one's deaths. Jake's heart ached even more, especially when he was seeing each of the victim's mothers cry, knowing that he was trying everything to bring their deceased family members justice. Even knowing that two of the victims were criminals didn't seem to make it less painful.

This case has taken the spot of the hardest case that Jake has ever worked on. The Andrew Adams case wasn't even a close second to this one.
You and Jake were at Starbucks on your lunch break.

Amy was planning to come. But due to a few meetings, it was only you and Jake who were able to make it to the meet up.

You both sat at the table together, taking the occasional sips from your coffee cups as you spoke to each other about your lives as detectives. You talked about your past cases and some things that have occurred in your workplace. Basically, the both of you turned in to gossip girls.

"So, how are you and Ian going on your case?" Jake asked, placing his coffee cup on his table after taking a sip from it. "It's been okay, I guess. We've been trying to get more leads. But so far, we have nothing." You replied sadly before taking another sip out of your coffee cup of Espresso. "What about you? How's your case going?" You asked your uncle after a moment, placing your coffee cup on the table too.

Jake sighed, "It was the same as you and Ian. It was so difficult that I was losing sleep. The case will most likely be labeled as a cold case." He said sadly. You looked at him, feeling bad for him and Charles but also the victim's loved ones.

"Anyways, besides that. I've been hearing somethings about you and Ian. What's that about?" Jake questioned, intrigued to hear the "tea" you had to "spill". Your eyes widened. You felt your cheeks heat up, making you look away in embarrassment. "Ooooh.. Does someone have a new boyfriend?~" Jake teased, nudging you. "N-No... He's not my.. boyfriend." You denied nervously, making you stutter.

Jake chuckled, "Only love makes you that crazy, sweetheart" He said jokingly as he got up. Your jaw dropped,

"Did you just Stranger Things quote me?!"
Jake groaned in annoyance and slumped in his couch.

It was about 2am, Amy was asleep in the bedroom that she and Jake shared. But Jake was filled with a lot of coffee and caffeine to keep him up. He was determined to successfully close this case. But he clearly couldn't admit that the leads were going nowhere.

And all this denial about this being a soon-to-be cold case left Jake with no sleep. Amy would beg him every night to try and get some sleep but he ignored her. He wanted to find this murderer so much. So much that it would ruin his health. So much that it would leave him with little to no time to spend with his coworkers and loved ones.

Jake put his head in his hands, stressed and tired,

"Why is this going NO WHERE?!"

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