Season 3 - Episode 13: Recovering

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"Jayden, get some rest, okay?"

Jayden shook his head immediately, "No. I'm not tired." He responded. You looked back to him, "Come on. You need at least 8 hours of sleep!" You reasoned.

"Says the one who's been getting little to no sleep every night since she's been here." Jayden raised an eyebrow, making you roll your eyes.

"I'm trying to take care of you while working on the case, Jayden. Now go to sleep." You snapped.

"Fine..." He responded, finally closing his eyes to go to sleep.

It's been nearly 2 weeks since Jayden got shot. And honestly, he's doing fine. He really only needs his daily check ups and what not, just to make sure the gunshot wound is healing properly. Luckily it is.

You've been staying at the hospital with Jayden to accompany him. You didn't choose to stay, he did. Why did he choose you to stay? You honestly don't know. But you're honestly fine with that. At least you get to spend more time with him.


As said before, while you and Jayden were at the hospital, you were also studying the evidence for the case. Sure, Jayden should really be resting instead of working on the case, but of course, he insisted on helping.

Of course, he couldn't help now because he was sleeping.

And you should be sleeping too.
It was about 10am by the time you woke up.

You were laying on the couch next to Jayden's bed, wrapped in a blanket. You sighed, glanced to Jayden's bed and saw that he wasn't there.

"I'm surprised that you actually decided to go to sleep last night." You heard Jayden's voice say. You glanced over and saw him, walking back into the room, limping a bit. You rolled your eyes and smiled tiredly, "Well, good morning to you too, detective." You responded while getting up from the couch.

You went over to him and helped him walk back to his bed. He winced slightly as he sat down.

"You okay?.." You asked, earning a nod from Jayden. "I'm fine. It's just hard to get used to walking again with a stupid gun wound in my leg." Jayden responded, looking back to you. You sighed, "Understandable".

"You should really use your crutches if you're gonna walk around the hospital though." You said, making him sigh. "I know... I guess I... forgot to bring my crutches." Jayden responded. You looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Okay, I left them so I could try walking around by myself!" Jayden admitted. You sighed and shook your head, fighting back a smile.

"Look, Jayden. I know your wound may be healed, but there are still a few risks. And you getting injured is a risk that we do not want to take." You said in a serious but reassuring tone. Jayden nodded in response and looked down.

After a couple of days, you had to leave the hospital for a few hours.

You walked back into the room after getting ready in the bathroom. You then saw Jayden, sitting up in his bed while doing some paperwork for the case.

"Hey so uh, I gotta go to meet up with Shaun about the case. Are you going to be okay here on your own?" You asked him. Jayden looked back at you and nodded with a small smile. "Alright. If you need anything ask the nurses. And if you're gonna walk around, use your crutches!" You instructed.

"Okay, mom." Jayden said jokingly. You rolled your eyes playfully before grabbing your bag.

"Anyways, see you soon." You smiled at him before leaving the room. "See ya." Jayden smiled back as he watched you walk out.
"So, what's this meeting about?"

"Thomas, Walter and their crew are having a meeting in a couple of weeks. We're going to be having a stakeout near the place where they're having a meeting so we can gain more info." Shaun informed.

"Okay, who's going?" You asked. "If Jayden isn't out of the hospital by then, it's only going to be the both of us. But if he's out of the hospital, then it's going to be all three of us." Shaun responded, making you nod.

"Speaking of Jayden." Shaun started, turning to you. You looked to him, "What about him?".

"Have you confessed your feelings to each other yet?" Shaun asked, intrigued. "Ah, shit, not this again." You mumbled to your self quietly. "Come on! You're going to have to tell him yourself soon!" He continued.

"Now isn't the right time!" You lashed out. You looked to everyone in the cafe you and Shaun were both in. "Sorry!" You apologised nervously before they looked away. You turned back to Shaun. "Now isn't the right time." You repeated to him quietly.

"I mean, we're in the middle of a case involving some of America's most wanted criminals. So now isn't the right time to bring in romance drama." You continued. Shaun sighed, "Then when do you think is the right time to tell him?" He asked.

You sighed and looked down, "I.. I don't know.." You started.

"But hopefully soon.."

Detective Y/N Santiago [SEASONS 1 - 3]Where stories live. Discover now