chapter 20

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Lucy POV

I was still stuck in the chain trying to get out of them. I tried everything to get them off but they won't budge. Then I hear the door opening. A guy with a mask comes in and starts to drag me out the room. Let me go let me go I scream at him. Would you shut up for a minute he said. Make me I said. He didn't say anything he just brought me to a New room with some sort of weird symbol on a the wall.

The guy through me to the ground in front of the wall. Then they guys with black hair and the book with the word END on it walked in. Hello there Lucy the guy said. What do you want I said. I need your help with something he said. Picking me up by my hair. What make you think I would help you I said then spit in his face. He wiped it from his face and looked me straight in the eye.

Whether you like it and not you would do as I say and I would make sure you will suffer he said before walking out the room. Then the wall in front of me with a symbol started to glow and a circle appear under me. Then these rods shot out of the ground and attach them selves to me. All I could do was scream in pain and pray that it would stop. Sasha please save me was my final thought before the darkness comsume me.

Sasha POV

I ran to where I think luce was at. I continue to run in till I hear a scream. I ran to where I heard it come from. I burst through the door where I thought the scream came from to see the one of the most traumatizing things ever. A guy was naked in bed with a frog beside him and condoms were on the floors. Ah my eyes I screamed scratching at my eyes. It's for research the man screamed.

I slammed the door and turn around so my back was facing the door. Omg I will never speak of this I thought while hugging my self trying to get the image out of my head. All right back to the task on hand I got to find Luce I thought and ran into another room.

I ran into different room just to see the same guy and the frog about to get it on. Ah my eyes my virgin eyes I scream scratching at my eyes while running out the door. It's for my research the man screamed. Why the hell is that guy in that room wasn't he in a different room I said out loud. I put alchohal in my eyes trying to get the image out my head.

I ran to one of the rooms down to see the same guy and frog but instead they were kissing each other in what seemed to be a research lab. My eyes again I scearmed running out the door. Don't judge the man screamed at me. I ran to another hallway with different doors. I opened the closest one to me the see the guy and frog again but this time the guy was proposing to the frog.

Not again I screarmed while closing my eyes. I knew no one would accept us the man said. I closed the door and Now I was in my knees banging my head on the floor trying very hard to get those images out of my head. Why me why me I kept chanting to my self. How in the bloody hell am I going to find Luce if every door I open that guy and frog appear I screamed. Just then a idea came to mind why don't I just find her by finding her scent then following it I thought to my self.

I put my nose in the air and started to look for Luce scent. As soon as I found it I started to follow it. I ended up at a door that looks like all the others. Before I opened it I did a silent prayer praying that the guy and the frog weren't behind the door. I opened the door to see something that would make my blood boile


Haha clifhanger I know that this chapter is shorter than my usual chapter so sorry. But to make it up to you guys I will make the next chapter extra longer. Also I would like to say that I thought this chapter was pretty funny. I was watching family guy and saw the episode where francen is looking to Sten who is in a love hotel and walks in on the guy with frog. So I though it would be fun to include him into my stroy. While BYE

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