Chapter 17 The wedding

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Sasha POV

Todays the day I get married to Luce. We are having the wedding in the dragon realm and the hole guild was invited. I'm nervous about this I just hope everything goes alright. Sasha you need to clam down you're getting married in a few hours Akira said.

Yeah you need to stay strong since it your big day Akatsuki said. They were both my best men. Yeah you guys are right its my big day and I'm not going to let anyone ruin it I said.

Lucy POV

Man I'm so nervous I have butterflies in my stomach. Lucy neechan you need to clam down Wendy said. Why are you calling me nee-Chan Wendy I said. Well your going to marry nii-chan and he's my brother so I'm your sister-in-law Wendy said. That's right I'm marrying the most amazing guys so there no need to be nervous.

Natsu POV

I can't stand this the girl I love is getting married in two hours and I can't do nothing. Young man I think I could help you with your problem I voice said. Who's there I said. Then a man appear in front of me. Who are you I said.

No one of importance the man said. But I could help you with your problem the man said. How can you help me I said. I could take that girl away from him the voice said. Can you really help me I said. Of course the man said.

If he can take Luce from him I can have her. I'll be the one she's marry not him. Okay what do you need me to do I said. He took out a small lacrima and handed it to me.

What do I need this for I said. I don't completely trust him but if I could get Lucy I'll do anything.You need to be close as you can to her so I could help you the man said. Fine I'll do for Luce I said.

Sasha POV

I was standing at the altar waiting for Luce to arrive. When the door open I felt like time stop. Like it was just the two of us in this world. She turns her head and she's natsu who was smiling and gives her a tumps up.

But they he's smiling is giving me a bad feeling but I don't know why. She turns to face me and she seems so happy.

Lucy POV

As I was walking down the Aile I see natsu at the first row. I didn't expect him to show up. I'm just glad everything is going well. Im vetting marry to the most awesome guy in the world. This day couldn't be better.

Natsu POV

I smile when I saw Luce she looked so beautiful. I was also smiling because I know she's going to be my soon. When she got to the altar they were about to say there vows when I got up. I through the lacrima at them and all of a sudden instead of one guy coming there was a hole vroup of them.

What the hell are doing here there

a magic spell that prevents any of zerefs followers and demons to enter the dragon realm Sasha said. We were able to enter thanks to that boys over there they say and point at me. Now we will take your bride and use her to bring back master zeref of the men said.

Sasha POV

No you don't I say. Before I could do anything they use speed magic to take Luce. He grabs her and runs to a portal. I lung forward our finger tips touching before another one of them use gravity magic and through me back.

LUCE I shout. SASHA she shouts back. Before she disappears from my sight. Just like all because of one person she's gone. The love of my life gone in a blink of eye.

The Dragon king (fairy tail fan-fiction) Currently Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now