chapter 22

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Daddy Daddy wake up I hear someone say. I opened a eye to see a little girl with white hair and brown eyes. Sweetie it's to early go back to bed I say turning on my side. Daddy come on wake up you have to make breakfast she says while pouting. Yeah dad wake up already I hear another voice says. I turn my head to see a little boy who looked like the little girl. Can't you guys let me sleep a little longer I say going back to laying on my back. DAD I hear someone scream before feeling a weight on my stomach.

What is I say looking to see a girl with blond hair and brown eyes sitting on me. DAD you have to make breakfast I'm starving the girl says with a big smile. She's right now get to the kitchen and make some food I hear a voice says. I look to see boy with white hair and red eyes standing in the door way. Sasha please go make the kids some food so I could go back to sleep. I look to my side to see Luce putting pillows on her head trying to block out the noise.

Fine I really don't see why I have to cook considering its your turn Luce I say. Just go she says while throwing a pillow at me. Fine fine I'm going I'm going I say. I walk out the room followed by our 4 kids. What do you guys want I say turning on the stove. I want pancakes with eggs Kalika said. She's the youngest of the four with my white hair and her mother's eyes. She was born 5 minutes after her older twin broth raven. I'll have the same Raven said. They both were 4 years old.

I look to the the second oldest Alana. Alana looked just like her mother with her blond hair and brown eyes. She just turned 5 years old not to long ago. I want French toast with orange juice she says. Xavier what do you want I say to the oldest. He was 6 years old.I want the same as the twins but with sausage he says. Xavier looked just as me white hair and red eyes. Okay I replied making their orders. After finising their orders I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked up to see Luce coming down the stairs fully dress.

Smells good in hear what did you make me she asks. Nothing I only cooked for me and the kids I say. What how could you she says dramatically. Kidding it's on the counter geez I say. After finishing our food and getting dress we all head down to the guild. As we entered the guild we were greeted by the sight of the guild fighting. Daddy kick their butts and show them who's boss Kalika screamed. Then a book was sent flying and hit Raven in the face.

Who threw that he screamed. What can't handle a little pain Gihihihi a female voice says. We turn to see a little girl with black hair and red eyes,Mackenzie Gajeel and Levys daughter. Mackenzie get over here Raven screamed before running to her. Gihihi catch me if you can she said before taking off running. There at it again I say with a sigh. Hey there Sasha and Lucy Ezra said. We turn to see Erza with Jella and their 1 year old daughter Rosemary. Hey Erza we say. We walk to a table that wasn't broken as the fight started to die down. We sat down and started to chat and Raven came back to us after his fight with Mackenzie. I couldn't help the smile the crawled up to my face as I watched my kids play. Hey Sasha what's wrong you've be quiet for a while Luce said looking at me with concern in her eyes. Nothings wrong sweetie I'm just thinking about how happy I am to have you and the kids. If I didn't survived 7 years ago I wouldn't have everything I have today I say. Yeah I still remember that day so clearly Luce said.

~~~ 7 years ago Luce POV ~~~

We were rushing to get Sasha to Porlyusica. But Natsu kept trying to stall us. In the end Gajeel and Gray knocked him out and now Gray was carrying him on his shoulder. When we finally got out of the tower we noticed that all the members of the dark guild were captured and the guild member were being healed by Porlyusica. Porlyusica I screamed getting her attention.

She turned to us and gasped. You have to heal Sasha I begged the women. She started to talk with Wendy before nodding and started to treat Sasha. After about 30 minutes Natsu woke up and tried to attack him. Of course the attack was stop by master. He tried to play the "I thought we were still fighting card" but none of us believed him. Three days have already passed and Wendy and Porlyusica were still working on healing Sasha in in Porlyusica home.

Finally after three days they said that he was fine already but in was in a comatose state. At the news I broke down crying. They said they didn't know when or even if he will wake up. For four months he was in that state. During those four months I was depressed and just couldn't imagine my life with out him. Also during that time Natsu was still trying to get me to date him.

He did not understand the word no. No matter how many times I turned him down he was still so persistant. Finally he got so fed up with me turning him down he actually tried to force himself on me. Thank god Erza and Gray showed before he can actually do anything to me. Now the entire guild had an eye on him just to make sure he didn't trying that again. Near the end of the fourth month I was visiting Sasha.

He was in his bed looking peaceful like he was just asleep. Hey Sasha how have you been, I've been good and I-I miss you I said. I broke down crying. I love you I said still sobbing.
Love you to a hoarse voice said. Sasha I said. Yeah that's me he said chuckling. Your awake I said looking at him. Yup your beautyful voice woke me he said chuckling. I missed you I said hugging him. I know and know to no matter what I will never leave you he said wiping away my tears.

~~~ Back to the Present ~~~

I'm glad I woke up if I didn't I wouldn't have had you and the kids I said giving her a hug. I know and I couldn't have imagine my life with out you Luce said. I love you I said giving her a kiss on a cheek. Love you to she said. Hey where's our kisses our kids said. I let out a chuckle. Come here you we said.


Here's the last chapter I want to thank all my reader's for supporting me. I really did have a fun time writing this book. If you guys want to read another one of my books I have one out called Naruto's sister( a Naruto fan'fic). Well bye

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