Chapter 4 missing Lucy

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Lucy pov

I was so surprise to the portal to the dragon realm. That's when Alexander got my hand and dragged me through the portal. When I went through the portal I saw a giant castle and a bunch of some island.

"Alexander who are you" I asked looking around. "Just call me Sasha and I'm the dragon king" he said like it was nothing . "You're the dragon king you got to be joking me" I said not believing him. "Nope I am really the dragon king and here is where you will train" he said giving me a grin.

Just you wait fairy tail I'll show you. That I'm not weak and your going to regret hurting me I though.

"Lucy you must be exhasted come on and get aim rest. We can start training tomorrow he said leading me to the castle.

Next Day at fairy tail normal pov

Erza and Gray had just walk in to the guild when Natsu spotted them and went to tell them that lisanna joined the team. Before he could Levy went up to them and slapped them that's right she slapped them. That's right the shy little bookworm had slapped the great Titania and the Ice prince in the face. "What the hell was that for they both "yelled holding their cheeks. "That's for kicking Lucy off and calling her weak" Levy screamed tears threatening to fall.

"We never did that we've been out on a mission for the past to days" Ezra said in confusion. They turned to Natsu who looked guilty  at the floor no longer excited about the news and they all new why. That's when he explained what he did and how he lied to Lucy about Erza and Gray kicking her off the team.

After Natsu had told them they were mad and went to find Lucy. When they couldn't find her they went to master to ask. When they went to master office only to find him crying at his desk. They asked about Lucy and he said she left the guild yesterday because Natsu kicked her off the team.

That's when the team began to break into tears even Natsu. The master got up from his desk and went to get the guild attention. "Listen up all your brats! Because of all your selfishness you chased aways one of your own guild mates. Lucy never did anything wrong and always looked out for her guild mates just to be ignored by you all. I hope your all proud of your selves"! He shouted before disappearing back into his office. The whole guild was quiet for a few seconds before erupting into tears. Suddenly realising their mistakes.

The one who got the letters were Levy,Gajeel,Wendy,Romeo and the exceeds. There was also a letter address to team natsu.

Team natsu letter

Erza you were so kind to me and I saw you as a role model to me. Someone to look up to and respect but now I don't ,you wanted me out of the team and called me weak. Gray you were like a brother to me and you always protected me but now I hope you suffer. As for Natsu I have nothing to say to beside I hope your happy with the way things are
                    Lucy Heartfilia

Levy,gajeel,Wendy,Romeo,and the exceeds letter.

I just wanted to say I'm sorry for not telling you. Also to take care off each other. Romeo take care off my little sister Wendy if you don't I'll hit you. Gajeel look after Levy for me if you don't I'll beat you when I get back. Also for the exceeds look after one another. In till we meet again

               Lucy Heartfilia

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