chapter 12 Grand Magic Games part 1

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Lucy pov

I felt someone shaking me so I opened my eyes to see Sasha."Sasha do you need something from me" I said. "Yeah I need you to wake up or were going to be light for the train" Sasha said. I kicked Sasha out if my room and quickly got dress. When I went to the kitchen everyone was done eating so I made toast and Sasha teleport us to the train.

when we got there just in time the train just got there so we bored. We took the last cart on the left side of the train. After we got on are exceeds pop up so I grad my exceed violet. Did we have to hide she said grumpy. "We already told why you guys need to hide so stop complaing" Sasha said. She stayed quiet and just humped while the rest of us giggled.

Time skip in the city crocus

When I woke up the train had just stop so I begin to wake everyone up. When everyone woke up we left the satiation while avoiding the rest of the guild. We went to the inn and waited there in till the games begin.

Time skip games start

Sasha pov

It was midnight when the games begin. We were teleported out of our rooms and all the guilds were on platforms. That's when the mascot showed up and announced the rules for the games.

"Here are the rules kabo you need to go to the beach and find the cave kabo. When you find the cave you need to grab the ball that has your guild insignia. When you grab the ball you need to take it back to your paltforms kabo. Also there can only be eight teams. So who ever gets back here first wins kabo. Let the the games begin kabo".

I told Aki to locate the cave using earth dragon slayer magic. When she located it I teleport us to the cave and we were the first ones there. We grab the ball that has the fairy tail insignia and a A next to it. I'm guessing were fairy tail team A and the other one is team B.

We teleport back to the platform to see a stand on it. So I place the ball on the stand and were  teleported back to the inn. Then we all decide to sleep so we will be ready for the games tomorrow. The only thing I hope is that Lucy doesn't get hurt during the games. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she got hurt because I wasn't there to help her.

Time skip in the morning

It was morning already so I made breakfast and woke everybody up. when we are all done eating I teleported us to the stadium. When we got there they were already calling up the guilds. In fourth place was Mermaid Hell. In third place was Sabertooth and the crowd went wild. In second place was fairy tail team B and the crowd was screaming even louder.

Last was us but the judges decided to say our name since were new. They have called the rest of our team and me and Luce were the only ones left. I turn to Luce and gently kiss her on the lips. So I pulled back and she Lucy blushing a dark red.

Lucy pov

Sasha turned to face me than he kiss me on the lips. Of course anyone would be blushing if he did that. Then I announcer called our names and Sasha grabs my hand and pulls me next to our team. I'm still blushing and the team see's me and they start smiling.

That's when fairy tail see me and start running towards me. But stop when four people are blocking them and Sasha is hugging me. They all looked shock at the way I'm acting.

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