Chapter 2 The Decision

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Lucy pov

"Lucy we are kicking you off team" Natsu said. "You're just to weak so me Erza and Gray decided to kick you off the team. Lisanna will replace you because she is way stronger than you. So now you can take up solo job or even join another team. This is the best for everyone so you're okay with it right".

"Yeah I'm okay I need to go home now so bye" I hurriedly said before leaving the guild.

Natsu pov

I said it now I thought Lucy would over react more. While what ever me and lisanna are going on a mission. And when Erza,Gray come back I'm going to tell them the good news.

Lucy pov

I can't believe he kicked me off the team all because I was weak. I thought he was my nakama and my family. I felt tears running down my face and try to wipe them away but they kept coming. A cloud of smoke appear and it was loke. "Lucy I heard what happen and I don't think you're weak" he said enveloping in a hug as he wiped my tears away. "Come on let's go train and show those bastards who's the weak one". "Your right Leo thank you" I say. "No prob princess just contact me if you need anything" he said before disappearing.

Time skip in the guild

I walked in the guild just like I thought no one even saw me come in. So I walked to the bar and asked Mira if master was in his office. She  said he was so I just walked to his office and knocked on his door. After I heard come in I told him that team natsu kicked me off the team. Also how they called me weak and how I want to leave the guild in order to train. He began to cry and said be careful my child and promise me to come back.

Master pov

After what she told I began to cry so I made her promise to come back. Those dang brats making their family feel this way. I'll be sure to punish those ungrateful brats I though.

Lucy pov

I told master to not to tell them I'm gone in till they notice I'm not there. Also to give them the letters I wrote when they see I'm not there. I gave master one last hug and left his office. Before I left I gave the people who still notice a hug but I didn't tell them I was leaving. After that I went home got my suit case and went to the train station.

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