Chapter 7 Lucy Gone

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At Fairy Tail normal pov

It has been three days since Lucy left and the guild hasn't been the same. Cana hasn't drink, Elfman doesn't talk about men, Gray hasn't stripped, and Erza doesn't eat cake.

Everyone at the guild has been crying for the past three days. And most people give Natsu glares when they see him. But it hasn't been the same for natsu either. He spends all day looking for Lucy and when he's not looking for her he sulks at the guild.

Natsu pov

Dang it I spend all day looking for her and I still can't find her. I need to find her so I can tell her I'm sorry and that I love her. Why did I ever kick you off the team. Lucy I need you please come back to me.

Levy pov

I was siting at the bar with Gajeel,Wendy,Erza, and Gray. That's when I see Natsu sulking again after looking for Lu-Chan. I don't know why he's crying he's the main reason Lu-Chan left the guild. I can't take it I just want to scream and hit for what he did.

Unconsciously I got up from my seat and walked over to Natsu. That's when I slapped him across the face. I also started to say what I felt about what he did to lu-chan

I don't know why your crying over Lu-chan for! Your the main reason why she left the guild you don't deserve to cry over her! You should be expel from the guild as punishment for what you did to her!

Before I could say anymore I was interrupted by master screaming t us. LISTEN UP YOU BRATS I KNOW YOU ARE ALL SAD ABOUT LUCY BUT WE NEED TO KEEP GOING. After he said that he disappear in to his office. We could all tell that he has been crying also.

Erza pov

Levy got up from her seat and went over to Natsu. That's when she slapped him across the face. She said the he didn't deserve to cry over her. Also that he should be expel from the guild for what he did. But who could blame her I would have done the same. But he is not all at fault we also ignored her when she was here.

Levy it's not all Natsu fault that Lucy left. It is also our fault we ignored her when lisanna came back. Sure he  deserves to get punish for kicking Lucy of the team. But like the master said we need to keep going and when Lucy returns to us we need to apologize for what we did.

Lisanna pov

Man I feel bad about what happen to Lucy. I didn't want her to get kick out I thought we could be friends. I didn't know natsu would do that I was just joking about me joining the team. I didn't think he would kick Lucy out to have me join. When I see Lucy I'm going to say sorry to her.

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