chapter 11 Here I come Fairy Tail

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Lucy pov

It has been four years since I left left fairy tail and started living in the dragon realm. Since I left I meet my new friends and family 

Akira, Akatsuki,Akane,Aki and Sasha. Today we are going to celebrate because tomorrow we are going to earthland and joining fairy tail. We are also going to participate in the grand magic games.

"Luce are you ready everyone is waiting for you. And you wouldn't want to keep all of them waiting or else Celestia is going to hit you. That wouldn't be good since were leaving tomorrow" Sasha said from the other side of the door."okay I'll there in a little bit Sasha" I said.

As I step out of my room I see Sasha blushing. He looked so cute when he was blushing. "Luce I have something very important to tell you" he said well blushing even more. "Well what is it you could tell me anything you know that Sasha" I replied.

Sasha pov

Come on if you don't tell her know you will never get another chance. Tell her now before we leave to earthland to tomorrow. I got down on one knee and pulled out a box with a ring on it. "Luce I...wanted to ask if you would like to be my girlfriend I said well blushing like a mad man.

"Sasha do you know how long I waited for you to ask me that. Of course I would be your girlfriend" Luce said well blushing. I imediantly got up and placed the ring on her finger.

"Luce this is a promise ring. I promise to always love you. To never betray you or hurt you intentionally, to always be there for you and give you all I have because with out you I have nothing" I say looking into her eyes. "I love you Luce" I said holding her in my arms. "I love you to" she replied. 

Luce took the ring off and looked inside the ring. "My eternal love" is what it said inside. Luce do you like it I said a little scared she might say no. "Sasha I love it it's the best gift anyone has ever given me".

"Thank you so much I will treasure it forever" she said.

Lucy pov

I  waited forever for Sasha to ask me out and when he  did my heart skipped a beat. Also the ring he gave is so beautiful I love the color silver. It had a dragon that was breathing fire and the fire was pink. When a read the inside of the ring I almost cried. I can't wait to the Akane, and Aki the good news(Akane and Akira are together and Aki and Akatsuki are also together).

When we went down stairs holding hand and blushing. When we were  down stairs everyone was cheering and saying it was about time. That night we dancing and having having fun getting ready for tomorrow. When everything was over we all had off to bed but Sasha came in my room and we slept together.

In the morning

When I woke up I saw Sasha still sleeping so I woke him up by kissing his forehead. He instantly got up so we got dressed and went outside. When we got outside everyone was all ready there so I handed them all coats and told them to hide there scents. They all did as I told them and Sasha opened the portal to earthland.

But before we left Celestia gave us our exceeds and mine was a purple one that I names Violet she gave me a big hug since I was her student. Then we went through the portal and we were standing outside of the fairy tail guild. When we enter the guild all eyes turned to us so we made are way to the counter.

"Is your master here I asked mirajane. "Yes he's in his office upstairs she said pointing to them. I thanked her before heading up the stairs. We enter his office I removed my hood and my group did the same. When master saw us he began to cry saying Lucy my child you came home. "Yes master I'm back and me and my friends will like to participate in the grand magic games" I said seriously.

"Okay my child but first you must get your guild mark back" master said. So we went down stairs with master and he announced that we were new members. So Mira get the stamp and asked us where we wanted are guild mark.

Akira and Akatsuki got there guild mark in forest green and on their left arm. Aki got her in violet, Akane got her in purple and the both got it on there left shoulders. Sasha got his in wine red and on his right shoulder. I got mine on my right shoulder and it was silver.

After we all got stamped Natsu came up to us and asked us to fight him. But master stopped him and let us go. After we left the guild we went to go buy a house for all us us. When we were done we all went to sleep to get ready for the games tomorrow. I couldn't wait to show fairy tail how strong I become in the past four years I was gone.

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