Chapter 5 The Dragon Realm

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Normal pov at fairy tail

When eveyone in fairy tail heard about what they did to Lucy they all began to cry.

Dragon realm Lucy pov

I was in the dragon realm and I met the dragon king. I  thought this had to be a dream. Sasha then began to take me  to the castle. When we entered I saw normal looking people. That is in till I saw one of them breathing fire. He was was fighting with another man but stoped when they saw Sasha.

Then a women walked towards us and said welcome back king Alexander. He just said I'm back Celestia  and introduced me to everyone. After he was done introducing me everyone who was siting done began to introduce themselves to me.

The first one I met was the man who was fight. He said he was the fire dragon Igneel oh great I meet natsu father. After Igneel introduced himself the one he was fighting with said he was the iron dragon Metallican he was Gajeel father.

When Metallican was finished a woman came up and hug Sasha. She said welcome home my son. I was a little surprise and she told me she was the wind dragon Grandine but isn't she Wendy mom. Also that she was Sasha mom.

Sasha pov

When we  entered the castle I saw all the dragons sitting even my mother. That's when Celestia came and said welcome back. I just told her I was back. Then I saw Igneel fighting with Metallican. They stoped when they saw me and told the to introduce them selves to Lucy through telepathy. Then told the others dragons to introduce themselves to luce the the same way.

Mother Grandine came to hug me I was happy to see her. But I was still a little mad because she still hasn't told me why some of my memory is gone. No matter how much a beg her she also doesn't want to tell me who my real parents are.

Lucy pov

After everyone has finished their introduction Sasha showed me to my room. When I was in my room I began to recall all that has happened and began to cry. I must have been crying loud because Sasha began to comfort me. I sat on his lap and he began to rub my back trying to calm me down.

I cryed in his shoulders for what felt like hours. He placed me in my bed and hug me by the waist. I came closer to his chest and fell asleep it was actually pretty warm in his arms. I could get use to sleeping like this.

The Dragon king (fairy tail fan-fiction) Currently Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now