extra chapter

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Auther:hey it's me and I was bored so I was thinking of a chapter when sasha proproeses to Lucy and this does not affect the story in any sort of way. also I saw a this New feature that let's you use use sounds in the story so I wanted to try it but I don't know how it works so I made the story to try it out we'll later enjoy the story.

Sasha pov

I have no idea how I'm suppose to propose to luce. I sat down on my bed twirling the ring on my index and thumb. Then I hear a knock on the door. Who is it I said. Akira and Akatsuki Akira said. Come in I said. You still thinking about how to propose to Lucy Akira said. Why don't you just ask her will you marry me and eat some pie Akatsuki said. Its not that simple and I want it to be romantic I replied.

Why don't you take her out to a restaurant and ask her then Akira said. To simple I want it to be special something she will never forget I said. But I will take her to dinner but from there I don't know what to do I said. I'm sure you will figure it out Akatsuki said. Thank I said. We left our house to go meet the girls at the guild. As we walked into the guild we saw the girls sitting at the bar. I took a seat next to Lucy wrapping my arm around he waist.

Luce didn't seem to mind seeming as I do this all the time. Hey sasha don't you think it would be fun to go to the beach luce said. The beach I asked. Yeah I wish we could go Aki said. It would so much fun if we could Akane said. Just then a plan started to from in my head. I started to grin thinking about all the things I could do. Luce sorry but I'm going to have to borrow Aki and Akane for a minute I said.

Okay? Luce said. I take them into a empty table away from Lucy then call Mira, Erza, Wendy, and Juvia to where we were at. Okay I want to propose to Luce and I'm going to need your help I said. Really your going to propose to Lucy does that mean she is going to be my big sister wendy said. Yeah only if she says yes I replied. So I need your help and here's the plan I whisper to them.

Lucy POV time skip

I wonder what sasha and the girls had to talk about I thought as I walked out the guild. Then I had a paper bag was placed on my head and I was being drag somewhere. Hey let me go I screamed at the them. Then I was through into a chair and the bag was taken off my head. I opened my eyes to see Aki, Akane, Erza, Mira, Wendy, and Juvia in front of me. What's going on I asked? No need to know now be quiet so we could do your makeup.
So you kidnapped me to just do my make up and why would I need make up I asked. Yeah and can't tell you wendy said. Whatever I said. After about a 30min of doing my make up I was done. Then they were discussing about what color my dress should be. I say red Erza said. I think blue wendy said. Juvia thinks blue to Juvia. I say Green Aki said. No I think Brown would be better Akane said. I think white would go with her Mira said. They started to argu before the all turn their head to me.

Lucy chose they all said. Okay then I did pointed at a random dress. I ended up pointing to Aki green dress. Yeah my dress was picked Aki said. I got dress and after a little bit of yelling I was all done. Now put this bug on you head while we drive you somewhere Mira said. Why would I need to do that I asked. So you don't see where we are taking you Akane said. Then after putting the bag on my head and arguing who was sitting where we were on the road driving somewhere. The girls were all whispering to one another so I wouldn't hear. About 1 hour later we finally stoped and I was pulled out the car.

The bag was taken off of my head and I saw standing in front of me smiling like little kids. Well enjoy your night and don't stay out too late Aki said. Just then sasha appeared he had on a green button shirt tucked into a pair of black dress pants, a black vest, and a neat lime green tie. When sasha appeared Erza and mira stood in front of me. Sasha stop right in front of them. We want her back by 10 they said. How about 12 he asked. They shook their head. He let out a sigh 11:30 he asked. Then they nod their head. She has to be back at exactly 11:30 they said.

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