chapter 9

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Sasha pov

I heard someone called Luce name so I turn around to see a boy with spikey pink hair. Behind him was a girl with red hair and she was wearing amore. Next to her was a boy with black hair and was half naked. The last one I saw was a girl with silver hair. I heard Lucy say what I think the pink hairs boy is.

"Natsu what is he doing here he's not suppose to be here.I'm not ready to see him not yet why" she said her voice trembling.

Then I saw tears come from her eyes when the boy came running in. So I wrapped my arms around her before the boy could come closer. The boy seemed surprise because he stopped in front of us with a surprise look on his face. His friends then came into the shop with tears coming from their face.

The boy with pink hair who I think is Natsu began to talk. "Luce here you are but who is the guy hugging you. Hey buddy you better let go of Luce or else I'm going to make you let go"he said and began to give me a death glare so I glared back. So I take off my hood so I could have a better look of the people in front of us.

Luce was still crying so I let her cry into my chest while I looked at them(when he says them he means natsu,Erza,gray and lisanna).

I didn't like them especially the guy with pink hair. I should use teleport magic to get Luce and me out of here. Then the kid with pink hair began to speak again.

"Hey how long are you going to keep holding my Luce. If I were you I'll let go right now if you don't you're going to get hurt" he said with a angry look on his face.

Before I could say anything Luce screamed at the boy with pink hair.

"I'm not yours I never was and I never will be! So get away from me I never want to see you ever again"! The group looked shocked at what Luce said

That guy is starting to get on my fucken never. I might kick his ass if I stay any longer. Luce stopped crying and looked me in the eyes like she read my mind.

"Sasha can we go I don't want to stay here any longer. I want to go back home with you and stay there for a while".

Sure let's go home for now I said with a smile on my face.

"Lucy what do you mean go home fairy tail is your home" said Natsu. The other had the same look as their friend. "Also who is the guy you call Sasha and what is he to you".

"That's is none of your business and fairy tail was my home. Not anymore not since I got kicked of the team and left. So I appreciate it you left me alone and leave right now".

But Luce- No buts leave me alone. she turned around and looked me in the eyes. Sasha please take me home right now.

Okay let's go I'm sure everyone else is worry since we were gone.

So I closed my eyes and pictured the portal. Then the portal appear and we went through it leaving them behind. When we went through we were inside Luce room. Then she began to cry and I try to comfort her.

The Dragon king (fairy tail fan-fiction) Currently Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now