Chapter 15 Marriage and Mate

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Sasha POV

I was talking with the gang and Wendy was on my lap when I thought of something. "Wendy do you want to see mother" I asked sweetly. "Of course I want to see her" Wendy said. "Do you want me to take you to her" I asked,

Really you know where see is onii-Chan Wendy said. "Of course so you ready to see her" I said. She nods her head. I get up and I take Wendy hand and I grab Luce by the waist. She turns a bright pink and I teleport us to the dragon realm.

We were in the dining hall and we saw mother with Celestia. Wendy let's go of my hand and runs to mother and hugs her. Me and Luce walk towards Celestia while mother and Wendy are hugging. King Alexander we need to talk with you and Lucy.

"Celestia could you not call me that and just use my nickname like everyone else"." No I must call you that "Celestia said. We walk to another room and Celestia close the door behind us. King Alexander you need to mark Lucy as your mate Celestia said.

Lucy pov

Why do I need to do that Sasha said. You are king and you need a mate Celestia said. Sasha got down on one knee and held my left hand. Lucy Heartfilia would you do me the honor and be my mate Sasha said blushing. Yes I said.

Now that she agree you need to mark her as your mate. Then we could plan the wedding. Okay I said still blushing. Luce come here so I could mark you as my mate Sasha said. I went next to him and Sasha bite my neck and scales that had different colors appear on my neck.

Then he took the ring that he gave off and put on a different on. This ring was silver and had two dragons. On was pink and the other was red. Do you like the ring Luce Sasha said nervous. I love it thank you I said softly.

We went back with Wendy who was talking with Grandine. He began to explain the situation to her. Then we went over the wedding plans and Wendy calls me onee-Chan now. I find it adorable the way she says it.

When we get back to the guild Levy hugs me. Lu-Chan where have you been I was worried when you left with out saying anything Levy said. "Lucy onee-Chan I'm going to talk with Romeo so bye" Wendy said. "Lu-Chan since when did Wendy call you nee-Chan "Levy ask.

"Before I answer you could you get  Juvia and Erza for me" I say. "Yeah but hurry up" Levy said. Once everyone is there I sit down and call Mira over. What do you need Lucy the girls say at the same time. Okay I'm Sasha mate and I'm getting married in four months I say.

The Dragon king (fairy tail fan-fiction) Currently Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now