Chapter 13 Grand Magic Games part 2

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Lucy pov

When Sasha huge me I gladly hug back. If there was one person I could trust it would be Sasha I know he would never hurt me. "Luce tell these guy to let us through we your friends" Natsu said. He thinks we're friends after all the things he did that asshole. You- before I could finish Sasha interrupt me.

YOU SAY YOUR HER FRIENDS BUT DO FRIENDS CALL THEIR FRIEND WEAK. OR JUST A REPLACEMENT FOR SOMEONE ELSE! HOW ABOUT DRIVE THEM OUT OF THE GUILD . DO FRIENDS DO THAT TO ONE ANTHER NO. YOU AREN'T HER FRIENDS WE ARE Sasha exclaimed he was mad and was tightly clenching his fist. After he said that the guild went silent but he had a point. That's one of the reason I love Sasha he always looking out for me and try to protects me.

Sasha not all of them ignored me there are still some who care about me I said. Wendy,Romeo,Levy,Gajeel,Laxus and the exceeds come give me a hug I said happy. Everyone came running to me except Wendy she went with Sasha since he is her big brother.

"B-big brother I missed you so much I thought I would never see you again" Wendy said crying. "It's alright I'm here now and I'm never going to leave you again" Sasha said.

"Now I think you all should go the games are about to start" Sasha said. Everyone went back to their spots but before my friend left Sasha kiss me in front of them.

I was blushing like crazy and everyone look surprise. "Hey you bastrad why did you kiss Lucy" Natsu said angry. "I could kiss her because I'm her boyfriend you got that pinky" Sasha said. Natsu's face went red with rage but his team pulled him back before he could do anything.  The games started and right away it was fairy tail A vs fairy tail B. They were doing fights and Sasha was fighting against on of the top four wizard saint also one of the founder of fairy tail Warron Cken.(if you haven't read the manga this is a spoiler)

Sasha be careful he's really strong I said. I know but don't worry I'm the Dragon King remember and your my queen Sasha said smile. The fight was intense I thought he might lose.

Sasha pov

This guy is weak he's thinks he's overpowering me I'm only useing 1% of my  power. I continue to dodge his attacks which are tree branches. They kept trying to hold me down but I kept burning them to ashes.  I'm going to end this with one move "wind dragon roar" I exclaimed as a vortex of wind came out of my mouth. He tried to escape but my wind kept following him and destroying his wall of trees he tried to use. With that one hit he was knock out."Alexander knock him out with one hit fairy tail A gets 5 points "one of the judges exclaimed shock of the events that happen. Told you that I could beat him Luce I said happily.

The rest of the matches were boring since all of the others were just to weak for us. By the end of the day we were in the lead. So we went back to our hotel but I took Wendy and Romeo with me. We party in our hotel and took them home when we were done. Tomorrow going to be intense but I'm going to be okay since I have Luce with me.

The Dragon king (fairy tail fan-fiction) Currently Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now