chapter 21

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Sasha POV

I run through the door to see my Luce on the covered in bruises, cuts and blood. Rage filled me seeing the love of my life in this state. Luce I scream while running to her. Picking her up in my arms I placed my ear to her chest listening for a heart beat. When I heard her heart beathing I have a sigh of relief. Luce who did this to you I said to my self. I did I hear someone say. I turn my head to see a man with red eyes and black hair along with a book that says END. Who are you I growled. Why should I tell you if you are just going to die in a few moments the man said.

Oh really I'm gonna die and who is going to kill me I say. Me the black hair guys says. Oh like you could hurt me do you know who the he'll I am I growl. He just stood there smiling. I picked up Luce carefully and placed her against the wall. I like to believe that I'm a calm and collected person. And there are very few things that will cause me to be mad but one thing that makes me mad the most is seeing the people I care about getting hurt I said my voice filled with rage. I'm going to make you pay for what you did to Luce I yell turning around to face him. I ran at him at full speed throwing punch and kicks. Every punch and kick I threw was blocked by him.

Seeing as regular attacks weren't working I decided to use magic attacks. Roar of the ice dragon I yell. He doged my attack at the last minute and started runing towards me. Take over magic lizard man I say at he punche me in my stomach. His punch was so powerfull that even with the lizard man skin he still knocked the air out me. I was on my knees trying to catch my breath while the guy was standing over me. Iron fist of the poison dragon I yell as I punch him in the face. I send him flying to the wall on the other side of the room.

You know that actually tickles a little the guy says acting like it was nothing. Really how about you try this. Roar of the thunder flame dragon I yell. He doesn't even dodge he takes the full attack. My attack creates a hole in wall and derbies fly everywhere. When the derbies cleared he was standing there like nothing. That was a little better is that all you got he says to me mockingly. If dragon slayer magic doesn't work what about devil slayer magic I thought.

Take this ice demon rage I yell. His eyes widen and this time he trys to dodge but it was to late. He was coughing out blood from the force of the attack. How does that feel I say well smikering. I continue to attack well using devil slaying and I raised my magic to 2%. I threw the final attack and I knocked him out. I was covered in small cuts and bruises but nothing major. I walk to where Luce was kneed in front of her.

Her eyes slowly fluttered open and when they landed on me They widen. Sa-Sasha she says while tears slowly slide down her cheeks. Yeah it's me and I'm sorry I took so long I say while I wipe her tears away. She threw her arms around my neck and cried in my should. I-i knew you would come for me she says still crying. Of course I would come for you even if I had to fight the hole country I would always come for you I love you I say. I kiss her gently on the lips and press my forhead against her's. Just then the hole tower shook causing Luce to let out a yelp. Its to late the seal has been broken Zeref will be released and everyone here will die  the black hair guys says while smiling.

Dammit I say. Sasha what are we going to do Luce ask me. I could only think of one thing that could stop Zeref before he is fully revives I would have to redo the seal. But to redo it I will have to use all my magic to do it and I will die I say. No there's has to be another way to stop him you can't die she yell at me while cluthing my shirt.  Luce if we don't stop the seal from fully breaking and Zeref gets out he will kill everyone here. Even I won't be able to stop him I said to her. Please don't do it Sasha Luce says with tears streaming do her face. Luce I'm sorry I say. I place a barrier around her so she couldn't stop me and went to the seal on the wall. I started to pump  my magic into the seal  and I was recreating it. As I was doing this the black hair guy yelled stoped and came to attack me.

He took out a knife from his robe and stabed me in my rib. I'll kill you before you can finish fixing the seal he screamed at me. Bastard I say while coughing out blood. Keeping one hand on the wall I used the other to punch him in the chest. He flew across the room with the knife still in his hand. I'll kill you the guys says running at me. He brings the knife above his head and brings it down cutting me on my left eye. I hold my eye with my free hand while the other is still pouring magic into the seal.

The bastard then stabs me in my chest causing me to couch out more blood. Before he could pull the knife out I grab his wrist and twist it until it craks. Then I pull the knife from my chest and slit his throat. He holds his throat try to stop the blood but he just falls to the floor dead.

Lucy POV

Sasha,Sasha I scream banging on the barrier. It hurt seeing the person you love the most getting hurt and there was nothing you could do to help them. After Sasha killed the guy with black hair he continue to pour his magic into the seal. I could feel his magic slowly fading away and I could do is just here and cry. Stop It Sasha stop please you can't die I scream banging my hands against the barrier.

I keep screaming at him to stop but he doesn't seem to hear me. I see Sasha continue to try to redo the seal. Then out of the seal a had shot. Shit I hear Sasha curse as he continues to try to stop the seal. I look at Sasha to see that he was saying something to the seal before a hole arm shot out and periced him in the stomach.  He coughes out more blood but doesn't stop. Then a bright white light comes out of Sasha body blinding me for a minute. I look to see the barrier was gone and Sasha was standing but smoke was coming of his body.

Sasha I say racing over to his body just as he was about to fall. I hold him in my arms. Luce he says weakly bringing out his hand to touch my face. Sasha hold on wendy will be here soon and you'll good as soon I say tears going down my face. Luce I-I  love y-you  He says with his final breath before his body goes limp and his hand falls to the ground. No Sasha wake up Sasha please wake up I yell.

I hear the door open to see Erza, Wendy, Levy, Gajeel, Gray, Mira, and Natsu. Wendy you have to heal Sasha I say while tears stream down my face. Lucy-nee Sasha-nii is already Wendy says but I cut her off. No !!!! he can't be dead he just can't please Wendy heal him I yell.  She nodded tears streaming her face as she comes towards us.

No one's POV

Everything was quiet as Wendy tried healing her brother even though she knew he was gone. Everyone was in tears except natsu who thought this would be the perfect opportunity to get Lucy back. Walking over to them he put a arm around Lucy trying to comfort her. Lucy just pushed him away not accepting the fact that Sasha was dead. Natsu being the bastard he is kept trying to hug Luce even try to kiss her on the lips when he hugged her. Luce just kept pushing him away and slaped him.

When he tried again Erza, Gray and Gajeel pulled him away from Lucy already knowing what he was trying to do. They glared at him disappointed with him. Just as Wendy was about to give up on healing her brother she felt something. She thought it was her imagination no one could survive the massive amount of of blood loss and the lost of all their magic. A hand had periced him and he was stabbed by a knife, no way could he have survived.

But as she countinue to heal him she felt it again a slight heartbeat. It was very faint that you could barley notice but it was there. Realizing there might be a chance for her brother to survive.


Cliff hanger. I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter I worked hard on it. I would have made it longer but decided to leave it there and deleted the things I wrote. I'm evil. Also I'm sorry it took so long t update I been working on two new story called Death the kids new love and The Wolf Pack( rwby fan-fic) check out the books. Well peace out in till the next chapter.

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