Chapter 10 new friends

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Lucy pov

Why did Natsu need to show up I when I was having fun with Sasha. why did he have to ruin it. I wasn't ready to see him not now well I'm still the same as before.

"Luce are you okay and who were those people. Also please stop crying I hate to see you like this. There's no need to cry because I'm right here. I will all ways be here for you and I will never leave you alone. So stop crying please Luce" Sasha said.

"Sasha thank you for everything. Also for all ways being there for me when I need you. I don't know what I would do with out you here for me"  I reply.

"Luce I would all ways be here for you. I would be your shoulder to cry on. I would always be here to protect you and look after you"

"Thank you Sasha" I said. No problem Luce also you still haven't answered my other question he said while whipping my tears with his thump.

They were my old team mates and guild mates. The one with pink hair was the one who kicked me off the team. I ended up telling him about my life with the guild and all the adventures we had. Also how I ran away from home. He was so nice to listen to me he always finds a way to make me fill better.

Now Sasha it's your turn to tell me about your self. What why do I need to tell you. Because I told you about my life so you need to tell me about yours.

Maybe another time because we need to go back to earthland. To buy the things we need so we have to go back. But don't worry this time we will go somewhere else so we don't run into them.

Okay but you need to buy me four keys. Fine if that's what it takes to take you back then fine.

Sasha pov

Open portal to earthland. First I would buy the metal than I would buy Lucy her keys. I would always protect Lucy no matter what because I her. If only she would feel the same way.

Lucy pov

When we went through the portal we were inside some shop. I'm pretty sure Sasha knew the owner because he began to talk with him. Than the owner gave him a box with metal inside of it. After he grabs the box he takes my hand and we go through another portal. Then we were outside another magic shop.

There we ran into twin boys. The boys had black hair and blue eyes. Sorry we didn't see you there said one of the boys. It's okay hey my name is Lucy and this is my friend is Sasha.

Hi my name is Akira and this is my brother Akatsuki.

If you don't mind me asking but are two mages by any chance.

Yeah we are are mages I use light magic while my brother use dark magic.

Are parents were killed by a dark guild called dead angels. * both begin to cry*.

I'm so sorry about what what happen but I have an idea. Would you boys will like to come to the dragon realm with me and my friend. Also there you guys could learn dragon slaying magic. Of course you don't want to you don't have to.

We will like to go with you if that's okay with you guys.

Of course it's okay with us right Sasha.

Fine but if Celestia gets made it's your fault.

Okay let's go but before we go let's check out that dark guild should we.

In clover town

As he arrive in clover town we hear a loud scream so we run towers it. There we see two girls being attack by a group of men. They all have insignia that have a skull with wings.So we teleport in front of the girls that were being attack.

Hey what do you think you're doing to this girls. That's nine of your business now is it. If you don't move right now your going to get hurt.

Lucy get back and let me handle this okay. I'm gonna show those punks who there messing with. So take care if the girls there probably scare out of there minds right know*smiles*

Are you girls okay. Yeah were fine and my name is Aki and this my friend Akane. Akane is a first generation water dragon slayer and I use earth magic.

Than how about I take you girls with me. I can take Akane with me to meet her mom and you could come along. How these that sound to you girls. 

Okay than let's go home. When I turn around I see Sasha done fighting all of them. He was siting on the ground with the twins playing poker.

Luce you take forever talking you know that. And I'm guesting that you're taking the girls with you back home. Yeah you guest right now hurry up and open the portal.

In the dragon realm

So here the deal your all going to train with dragons. Akane you can train with your mom. Aki you can train with the earth dragon. While the twins train with Skiadrum and Wisslogia.

Hai Lucy

Now the twins you guys sleep across from my room. As for the girls you sleep on the left side of my room. See all you guys in the morning.

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