Chapter 19

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Sasha POV

Were already just give us the signal Erza said through telepathy. All set here also gray said. Good wait for the signal I said. Things were all going according to plan. all the preparation are complete ready to go any time Celestia said.

You think everything is going to be alright Levy asked me. Yeah we already planed everything through so we will be fine I said.

Flashback 4 hours ago

Now then now that everyone is ready let's begin. Now then I found the next location for the seal to go to next. So here's the plan I said. Hey how come you get to come up with the plan natsu said. Whould you be quiet idiot Gray said. Why don't you be quiet ice princess Natsu said. Stop fighting both of you Erza said.

Okay now then as I was saying the plan is for Natsu to attack from the west, Erza north, and Gray the south. Then all the dragons except celestia, Grandine, Igneel and Metallican to use their magic to prevent the seal to switch places. Then when they are fighting me,Mira,wendy,levy,and gajeel will sneak in I said. Sound like a plan Wendy said.

Flash back end

Natsu here all ready. Okay wait for my signal I said. Ready and GO I said. Erza along with some of the guild members starting attacking from the north. All the evil mages came to defend against Erza group. Okay Natsu go I said. Natsu and some guild members starting attack the west side and they had to split their groups. Okay Gray go I said. Gray group was attacking from the south. They started to paink and the demons of Zeref appears.

Okay grandine,igneel,metallican and celestia go I said. Then they started to fight the demons. As they were fighting me, mira, wendy, levu, and gajeel sneaked in through the back. The hole place was empty but as we kept walking we started hearing sounds. Then one of the demons appear. You shall not pass it said. You guys go a head me and gajeel will keep him busy levy said. Are you sure I said. Yeah just save lu-Chan levy said. Alright I said then me mira and wendy ran past the demon.

As we were running we came to a stop as another demon appear. Leave this to me and mira sasha nii-Chan wendy said. But wendy I said. Just go yelled mira, I slipped pass the demon running at full sped to Lucy.

Lucy pov

When I woke up I was in a a room that. Only had a bed and a small lamp and I was chained up. I got up from the bed and started to look for any way out. There was a door but it was locked. All I could think of was why, why did this have to happen. I wish sasha was here I miss him. As I was thinking the door open to reveal a man with black hair and was wearing a robe.

Hello Lucy he said. How do you know my name I said. Of course I know the name of the Dragon queen. Lucy your going too help us with something he said with a creepy smile. What do you want from me I said. You'll know soon enough and enjoy what little time you have left he said.

He walked out the room and left me a plate with food on it. Knowing he won't be back for a while I ate the food. The chains didn't let me move around to much and I was getting tired. I went to sleep thinking about sasha and when is he coneing to get me.

The Dragon king (fairy tail fan-fiction) Currently Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now