Ch 40 - This isn't how it was supposed to end

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WARNINGS: swearing, blood, a huge fight so lots of descriptive language, death, guns and small bombs

NOTE: same old! Call me out if I'm promoting stigma but it's also necessary to get some things 'bad' (for a lack of a better word) for the sake of being as realistic as possible in a piece of fiction. Enjoy!

3rd POV

Peter arrives at a worn down-looking train station. Cobwebs litter every corner imaginable and there's broken concrete wherever you step. The pale blue-lit tile walls of the station are grimy, but Peter can tell they would've been pristine in their prime.

'ROOSEVELT' is read on many shiny plaques that run down the walls.

I'm in the right place. Peter would grin, but he's too busy looking around in wonder and curiosity at the disused station.

The teen soon finds the baffle gates for the subway. Some are broken and wasting away on the ground and the majority are covered in cobwebs. However, he manages to find one he can go through. There's a wall blocking the way to where he presumes to go. It must be a secret door.

Peter takes the weird coins from his pocket and slips one into a slot, feeling almost proud as he walks through the turnstiles easily. Except, the wall doesn't budge. He hits it––nothing. He kicks it––still nothing. Again, harder––

An echoing groan sound comes from behind him. Slowly, Spider turns, approaching the subway tracks with hesitation. With a great amount of creaking and metallic whining, the tracks split apart and up rises a subway train.

"What the hell?" Peter whispers, breaths coming fast.

The lights everywhere, including inside the car and in the station tunnel, flicker on, as well as the train car doors opening. Hesitantly, the teen enters. Inside, he finds a lab. It looks relatively untouched. Cables, tubes, and containers of all sorts fill the converted train car. On an old computer, the words 'Download complete' sit on the center of the screen.

Download? Peter sits down in the chair by the computer. (Silently, the doe-eyed boy wonders just how long this has been sitting waiting like this). He clicks the 'enter' button to see what would happen. Green code flickers across the screen, going at a rapid speed, and then it disappears. In its place, a video pops up. With a wistful look on his face, the brunette recognizes his father on the center of the screen.

"Test. My name is Richard Parker," his dad says. The video keeps glitching, but the audio remains stable. "Whatever lies are being told about me, I'd like the world to know the truth. Oscorp was already a leader in genetic research when Norman Osborn made a deal with a foreign military organization to continue funding my research. I believe their name was 'HYDRA', which you may recognize as the organization Captain Steve Rogers fought and died for in the war." He shifts in his seat. "And I discovered what they were going to use it for. Weapons."

Peter clenches his jaw. He already has a good prediction on where this is going.

"Biological weapons, of course."

The teen's fist curls dangerously and his throat parches, but he forces himself to stay in check.

"So, I refused. And now to eliminate me from the picture, Norman Osborn has falsified evidence against me in order to take control of my work."

Peter shakes his head. What the fuck? he can't help but think. His father was trying to do some good in the world and make it so that humans could heal faster and get rid of biological and chemical problems faster. But of course, greediness and power always get in the way, and they had to turn everything into a means of destruction.

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