Ch 7 - Spider meets Witch

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WARNINGS: Slight spoiler for the Tron Legacy movie (basically nothing though), slight swearing

3rd POV

It was Tuesday morning. Also known as the third day PTR Arachnid 24601 spent in the tower. Also, also known as the day they'd wake the Spider up to talk to Wanda.

It was early morning and Bucky, Steve, and Sam had just gone on their run. Now, Steve was whipping up a large breakfast of pancakes and fruit while Bucky sat unmoving at the breakfast bar. He was staring at the smooth marble counters without blinking or breaking his gaze. His metal hand latched onto his thigh while the other tapped quickly on the rock––something he often did when he was nervous. Sam was reading the newspaper article about Oscorp, however was becoming very annoyed with the incessant tapping.

"Could you stop tapping, please?" Sam finally snapped. Bucky ceased, but never took his gaze away from the white marble counters.

"Sam," Steve said, flipping the eleventh pancake, in that placating voice he so often used, "he's just nervous."

Barnes didn't have the energy to glare at his friend for defending him like a puppy.

The hero took a deep breath. "Yeah. Yeah, I know. Sorry man."

Bucky grumbled appreciatively in response.

Soon, people began to trickle into the kitchen, the smell of a hot breakfast attracting them. Steve finished the pancakes and served them all.

"Is that my sweater?" Rogers confusedly asked Natasha, noticing the much-too-large royal blue pullover that flopped past her thighs.

The woman in question just eyed the soldier suspiciously and took a bite of her whipped cream-topped pancake. Steve turned back to his food, muttering something nobody heard.

Wanda walked into the kitchen, a look of pure anxiety on her features. She took a seat next to Natasha and shakily served herself a few pancakes with strawberries and chocolate drizzle. Amongst the chatter, she stayed silent, slowly nibbling her food. A nudge from her side caused her to look up.

"Nervous?" Natasha spoke softly, her maternal side showing.

Wanda just nodded and looked back to her food, prodding it with her fork.

"Hey, look at me. It's okay. You'll be fine. We chose you for a reason, Wanda. He won't hurt you and I know you won't hurt him. You've got this," the ex-assassin whispered, rubbing her back soothingly and offering a half-smile in reassurance.

"Thanks Nat," she replied, feeling a bit better. Natasha dipped her head and finished her pancakes.

Noon crept slowly into the sky and for the whole day leading up to it, everybody had been busying themselves to get their mind off things. Clint, on the other hand, had grown restless and bored, so he called them all to watch a movie. Surprisingly enough, they all agreed–– Even Bucky, who was more on edge than everyone else, and Tony, who was cooped up in his lab. 

Anything to feel relaxed.

After much arguing, Tron: Legacy won over Interstellar. Bruce walked in at the part where Quorra and Sam were escaping the motorcycle arena. Everyone's head turned to him.

"We're letting the current sedatives naturally wear out, so Peter should wake up in around 30 minutes, give or take. FRIDAY will alert us when he does," the scientist disclosed awkwardly before joining his friends in front of the TV.

"Thank you." Wanda took a deep breath, determination laced on her features. Bruce nodded in a 'you're welcome' way.

Some time later, when Sam (in the movie) was leaving his father's house, FRIDAY cut in.

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