Ch 11 - Dinner

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3rd POV

Peter woke to see that Pietro and Wanda were gone. The only thing to show him that time passed was that the sunlight had moved once more; now halfway onto the wall. It was quiet. Just like his cell in the base, except this one is a lot nicer and cleaner. 

It only took one blink for everything to come back to him.

My name is Peter Parker. Peter Parker... It's a nice name. Why do I have that name? I was born with it. Natasha. I attacked her, didn't I? Why did I do that? I'm not angry at her. I feel bad. She didn't deserve to be attacked. Pietro. He was nice. Funny, I think. Twin of Wanda. Fast, Peter thought in choppy sentences, an effect of his sedatives. He felt sort of... Confused. He couldn't think in any complexity. He was tired– abnormally tired. And he felt calm.

The spider sat there for who knows how long. The light sluggishly inched its way entirely onto the wall, followed by the sky outside dimming to a much more dull shade of blue. He sat there patiently, not knowing what to expect. He assumed that he was going to be taken somewhere, as he always is.

Nearly an hour passed. Peter watched as the door clicked open and Wanda walked in. She was carrying clothes in her hands. Peter made sure he was sitting straight and proper.

"Good evening, Peter. How are you?" Wanda placed the clothes on the table.

"Good evening, Wanda. I am feeling calm," Spider responded automatically. It didn't slip by him that she had called him Peter.

"Good. It's the sedatives. They calm you down and make you feel a little more tired than normal. I'm going to remove the needles now," she explained shortly, beginning to remove the needles.

"So I don't hurt anyone?" He regretted asking the question and barely stopped himself from flinching away from her.

"Yes. And so that your mind stays relaxed and as far from HYDRA as possible. It's just for today."

He nodded. "Yes, Wanda."

"I'm going to leave room so you can take your gown off and put those clothes on." She pointed to the pile of neatly folded clothes. "Then knock on the door. I'll come back and put another needle in your arm– it's the sedatives."

"Yes, Wanda." She smiled and exited, her cornflower blue eyes sparkling with some sort of excitement.

Peter got up from the bed and stretched. God, it felt like his limbs were encased in stone. When he was satisfied by all the pops and cracks he heard, he approached the clothes.

A long-sleeve shirt, that's normal. A pair of pants made of a fabric I've never felt before. Odd. Socks, underwear... Peter took note of what he was given and put all the clothes on. When he was done, he knocked on the door as told.

Wanda came back in and put another IV in, making sure to tell him exactly what was happening so he didn't freak out. When she was done, she instructed him to grab the pole of his IV pop and told him to follow her closely.

When the older left the room, Peter followed close behind her, still gripping the medicine obediently. When he left his room, a wave of noise hit him. Many people were talking, but it was hard to make out exactly what with the sudden amount of voices. Far-off footsteps were drowned out by the walls and the clatter of metal rang through the halls. Peter looked to the left and saw that, down the hallway, there was a glimpse of a large room full of... Doctors? Scientists? He didn't know, and it didn't matter. A flicker of anxiety danced in his stomach when he saw them. The rest of the hallway had a few doors just like his. The walls and floors were simple and white. Just like the HYDRA base.

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