Ch 13 - Pepper has been attacked

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3rd POV

Steve descended one of the many flights of stairs in the early morning hours. It was 5:30 am––his usual wake-up time. Yawning, he made his way over to the kitchen, still semi-running on autopilot. Normally, he's a morning person, but with the events of the past few days, sleep has been harder to come by. When he turned into the kitchen, he almost didn't see the figure curled up in the shadows. Steve thought it was just his exhausted eyes deceiving him, so began walking to the sink in search of water for his coffee. But that's when he realized that he wasn't imagining it; there was indeed somebody in the corner.

The blond turned his gaze down to the figure and saw that it was Peter. Peter? What's he doing here? And why is he sleeping in the kitchen? Steve questioned. Forgetting his quest for water, the war veteran numbly stared at the young assassin, not sure what to do.

Peter's curls flopped over his eyes and his chin was pressed into his arms, which were placed on his tucked knees. He looked perfectly tranquil, if not a little odd, tucked away in a kitchen corner.

Steve snapped his head up when his enhanced hearing picked up someone's soft hum make its way across the room. Even without seeing them, Steve knew it was Bucky. The ex-assassin took up the habit of humming as to not scare anyone by his silent approach. When Bucky came closer, the blond placed a finger on his own lips. The brunette stopped and cocked his head in confusion. Rogers pointed to the corner, so he made his way around the counter.

What he saw was not exactly what he expected, but he wasn't complaining in the slightest. Peter sat curled up on the floor in the corner, his back and left side against the counter. The sleeping position was the same as Bucky could remember. Spider was slumbering soundly, his breaths even and long. He looked young and gentle in the soft morning glow that slowly crept onto his face. All signs of the assassin he was programmed to be was nothing but a passing image in his body. Bucky smiled softly at the sight.

"Let's let him sleep," Steve whispered and Bucky nodded back.

Carefully, the two maneuvered  around the kitchen, getting stuff ready for their small pre-run snack. They were careful to avoid Peter, which was easy because there wasn't anything important in his area. Steve made some coffee––partially for Tony and Clint when they wake up––while Bucky cut up fruit. Both of them ate and drank at the breakfast bar in comfortable silence. Barnes kept looking at Peter, taking in as much of the boy's features as possible before having to leave again.

Natasha walked into the kitchen minutes later, nodding in greeting at the two super soldiers as she passed. Steve opened his mouth to say something but before anything came out, she saw Peter in the corner. The female assassin did a once-over of the boy, smiling a little at his soft, neutral appearance.

"Cute," she murmured to no one in particular and moved on to grab a glass of cran-apple juice. Her soft side was already showing. This kid had an effect on her.

Bucky absentmindedly hummed at her comment as he ate his plums. The redhead glanced up at him, her lips quirking in a smile, and then began slicing up apples. Homey silence dawned upon the three of them, sunlight illuminating the kitchen with a stark yellow-orange glow. Just as Natasha finished cutting her sour apples, the two soldiers were nearly done their food. While Romanoff slid into the breakfast bar stool beside Bucky, Steve got up to put his plate and mug in the dishwasher, taking Bucky's too.

"How are you?" she asked the older, a clear meaning behind her words.

"I'm okay. It's weird. Him being right there but I can't... can't do anythin' about it.. I just want to say hello or somethin'. But I can wait––'nother couple months won't kill me," he sighed, looking at Peter's thin, curled-up figure.

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