Ch 22 - Powers, godparents, and actual gods

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WARNINGS: swearing, a mental breakdown (ish)

3rd POV

That very same night was majorly uncomfortable for Peter. It was like the first dinner he had here––eyes were on him like a dog's on a squirrel. Everybody wanted to ask why both Vision and FRIDAY told them to stay away, why they heard faint wailing, and why Peter's eyes were rimmed red. However, Bucky's glaring and Wanda's nervous, shaky demeanour told them to stay quiet. The teen stared directly at his food the whole time, semi-puffy eyes practically boring holes into his beef stroganoff. 

Bruce, being the amazing person he is, decided to ask Peter a question unrelated to the day's events in hopes he'd feel more comfortable, "So, Peter, I was wondering if I could test out your powers? I want to know what else you can do."

"Sure, Dr. Banner," he replied blandly, mind slipping into more of his old self.

"Does after dinner work?" The scientist gave his signature lop-sided, anxious smile.

"Whenever you want." Peter forced a bite and almost threw up when he swallowed it down––his stomach was still churning like ocean waves in a storm.

Once again, the room lapsed in silence, and any small attempts at conversation fizzled out swiftly. After what felt like hours, the food was consumed and the table was clean.

"Ready?" Bruce asked, taking out a black rod which opened into a small hologram.

Peter nodded numbly, following the scientist. He needed the distraction, even though he didn't have the capacity to show it.

"Definitely tagging along for this," Clint said, drying his hands off and skipping towards the two.

"Count me in." Pietro grinned and joined them.

Soon enough, everybody was following the two down the stairs, talk of Peter's powers bouncing between them. They've already seen him in action, but they were too busy trying to capture and contain him rather than care to stop and marvel at his abilities.

They descended a few levels and walked into a hallway with a window wall on the right-hand side. Down the hall was the elevator and to the left was a pair of white doors far bigger than any of them.

Bruce placed his hand on a pad and a scanner enveloped his face and hand. The doors slid open to reveal a huge room that was probably around two stories high. On one end was an obstacle course, some ropes hanging from the ceiling with mats underneath, and a maze of tall, dull spire-like structures. The other end had a two boxing rings and a few punching bags. There were targets hanging all around the room along with mats and plenty spare room in the center. Peter could see the faint lines of hidden compartments in the far and left walls. An elevated black window and a door sat on the side with the boxing rings. Another window and door next to one of the compartments showed both an indoor shooting/archery range and a knife-throwing range. There were large windows to the outside above where the wall came out to accompany said ranges.

"Welcome to the training room," Bruce introduced. "I'll be testing your abilities here."

"Yes, Dr. Banner." Peter was amazed at how big their training room was. It had everything. Back at the base, there were much smaller individual rooms for each of his abilities––never something that could account for all.

"First test; Strength." Banner led the teen to a human-sized black machine that he had not noticed upon entering. "Punch the red circle and a number will pop up to indicate your level of strength."

Peter nodded in understanding.

"Thor demolished it when he punched it," Clint commented, snickering when he remembered how distraught the God had looked.

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