Ch 18 - Apples melting from the air

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3rd POV

After a record-breaking twenty-seven minutes with Bucky, Peter had to go. Wanda hated to separate them, but she was too concerned about anything going wrong. (They were both surprised at how long Spider lasted. So far, twenty minutes has been the maximum amount of time).

Wanda brought a dazed Peter back upstairs, along with a much-needed glass of water, of course.

Bucky stood numbly in the common room, missing the warmth from Spider when they hugged. His arms were still slightly curled around the spot where Peter was previously holding onto him. He couldn't find the strength to move, hoping to latch onto the ghost moment for as long as possible.

"Buck, you alright?" Steve asked, leaning over to enter his friend's peripheral vision.

The brunette nodded and limply slumped down onto the couch, picking his book up again and burying his face in it. I need to tell him everything's going to be okay.

Shuri came back late in the evening and was immediately briefed on the events of the day. Aside from being a bit disappointed about missing the reunion, she was ultimately happy for her friends.

The two HYDRA assassins saw each other the next morning.

"Morning, kid. Shuri." Bucky grinned and nodded when he saw his two friends descend the stairs.

"Morning to you too, Soldier." Peter smiled back.

Shuri dipped her head in acknowledgement and led them across the room. "A guest is arriving sometime in the next hour."

Peter got this look on his face and his body language shifted. His hands fidgeted restlessly and his jaw clenched, eyes staring ahead like a perfect soldier. It was the look he got when he wanted to ask a question (or even speak), but the other part of his mind was convincing him not to.

"Ask your question, Peter," Shuri waved off, not even having to see him to know that he wanted to ask something.

"Who's coming over?" He breathed a sigh of relief.

"A friends of ours named Sam," Bucky answered.

"Steve's mentioned him a few times."

The kitchen lapsed in silence. Bucky sat at the table with Steve, eating their food. Shuri was moving around the kitchen getting ingredients out. Peter stood by politely, not having been told to do anything.

"Peter," the mentioned lifted his head when the princess spoke, "we're making eggs on toast."

The male teen's lips quirked upwards. He loves eggs on toast.

"What kind of music do you want this morning?" Shuri asked, setting their plates down with a clunk. When Peter started to shift again, looking ahead uncomfortably, she spoke sternly, "Peter, you have to make some choices yourself. I can't make them all for you every the time."

The brunette rocked on his heels, trying to think of something they'd all like, "FRIDAY, could you put on some Elvis Presley, please?"

Hound Dog began to flow from everywhere at once. It was a little loud for Peter but he refused to say anything. As soon as the others smiled, Spider relaxed in knowing that he made a good choice.

The two teens began heating up a pan and cracking eggs onto them. Halfway through, Peter's hearing informed him of an approaching figure in the elevator. When it dinged, a pair of unfamiliar footsteps exited, causing the teen to turn around and narrow his eyes at the noise. His Spider Sense spiked as they neared––not entirely with danger, but with a general mistrust. Without even thinking, he grabbed a knife off the magnetic rack and cautiously approached the corner.

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