Ch 8 - Spider meets Witch Pt. 2

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WARNINGS: swearing, a breakdown (crying), and a not-very detailed fight

3rd POV

Wanda was almost surprised he figured it out so quickly. (Then again, she reminded herself that Spider is an assassin so it's not that unlikely). 

"Yes, I do. Among other things. I can manipulate objects and make illusions as well. Congratulations on figuring it out," she complimented.

"Did HYDRA give you those powers?" Peter asked, genuinely curious, but he flinched backwards when he realized how rude and invasive the question was.

Wanda simply nodded, smiling reassuringly. "When we were younger, my brother and I volunteered for HYDRA, not realizing how horrible it would be. We were given powers and made into weapons, like you."

"I see, I'm sorry." Spider didn't know why he said he was sorry but he felt like he should. Wanda and her brother must've suffered as much as him, and yet they volunteered for that. Should he have said sorry?

"It's okay. I could show you the things I can do later, if you'd like. Now... I still have a few more questions if you're okay with that?"

"Yes, Wanda."

"Do you think you want to go back to HYDRA?"

That got Peter thinking. Did he want to? I mean– he belongs to them. He lives there. He's their weapon. They give him food, shelter, training, and a purpose in life. But didn't Wanda say he was safe now? She had nice friends, right? Could he experience the outside world now? If he chose to stay, would HYDRA come after him? Yeah, they would, there's no doubt about that. Yet there are so many things he could learn about. But... Why was this decision so hard? Why was he even considering staying? He would never do that, would he? It should be simple. The obvious choice would be to go back to HYDRA.

"It's not about want. It's about need."

"Do you need to go back?" She was impressed by his response.

"Yes, I believe do. However, I want to stay."

The witch dipped her head in acknowledgement and continued. "Spider, I'm going to do something very risky that you might not like but it's very important and will help both you and a friend later. May I?"

The Winter Spider was unsure. Risky? Might not like? Comply, Spider, comply.

"You may."

The blue-eyed brunette began manipulating a whole lot of red magic a few feet the right of Peter. It gathered and swirled into a tall cylinder, reaching barely above six feet. Wanda's eyes were so bright that they almost resembled a cherry-red sun. Her face was a mask of pure concentration and effort as the wisps swirled into the figure. Slowly and then all at once, the ribbons of magic shot off the figure, absorbing back into Wanda's hands, and revealed what was there.


Soldier was standing there.

Of course he wasn't real, it was an illusion, but he looked very real. He wore the same clothes as Peter's memories of him––some dark grey sweatpants and a red t-shirt. His metal arm glimmered in all its glory and a familiar faint scar was visible on his right arm, making the illusion so much more convincing. His eyes were a dark wall of iron, looking nearly murderous and his face wore a mask of indifference. He stood semi-straight with his hands shoved in the pockets of the sweats. Just like always, his posture was dominating and intimidating, yet nonchalant and perfectly calm. Really, he looked exactly like the Soldier in Spider's memories and like a ghost of the present-day Bucky.

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