Ch 32 - Maybe we don't hate each other

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Note: There are French lyrics at one point in this story. I'm bilingual and translated but I will warn you that they may not be 100% accurate as I am a little rusty. (But they should be fine).

3rd POV

Monday morning, Harley and Peter sat waiting for Happy in the kitchen. Neither of them knew they'd be carpooling together, so they didn't suspect a thing.

"Happy is here."

"Thanks, FRI," they said at the same time. Their heads whipped to face each other with surprised looks on their faces.

Skeptically, they made their way down to the garage, calculating each other's moves.

When Peter opened the door to the Audi, Harley did a double-take, but didn't say anything. They drove in tense silence, fidgeting and avoiding each other's eyes. Spider knew what was happening but Harley hadn't a clue.

They pulled up to Midtown, thankfully nobody staring anymore, and both teens pulled the car door open.

Harley froze. "Peter?"

"Harley?" He really didn't want to have this conversation.

"What are you doing?"

"Going to school."

"Why're you getting out here?"

"Because I go to school here."

"And you didn't say anything?"

"I didn't think it was important." Peter jutted his chin out stubbornly.

Harley locked his jaw, gritted his teeth, and forced his way out of the dark vehicle.

Spider had no choice but to sigh and do the same.

Keener-Stark earned some intrigued looks as he walked confidently through the halls. His head was held high, he looked decently strong, had a moderately sharp jawline, and he towered over half the student body, so most people thought he was a bit intimidating. Not to mention that he was a new kid.

Though vexed, Peter did the same because most of his classes were with Harley and his locker was only a hallway away.

"Hey, Pe– Dude, what's wrong?" Ned said when he got to his locker.

Gwen looked up from her conversation with MJ. "You don't look too happy. Is it something about the internship?" she whispered.

"No," he replied curtly and shut his locker with as much control as possible. "Harley goes to this school now."

"I know, he told me. But why is that a problem?"

"It's just–" The brunette shook his head. "Don't worry about it. The bell's gonna ring soon. We should get going."

His first class went smoothly. Nothing out of the ordinary. His second class was also perfectly fine. Harry made his occasional vague/concerning comments and stupid Orphan Gang jokes, so everything was how it always is. Third class wasn't so awesome. Harley sat two seats in front of him diagonally. Peter kept an interested eye on him but all he found was that Harley was decent at Calculus. And that he kept his last name as just 'Keener' in school.

Lunch rolled around unpredictably fast and Peter sat with his usual group. They laughed, talked about homework, discussed stupid theories, and played cards. Spider saw Harley scan for a place to sit. They made challenging eye contact but Keener looked away, marching confidently to the football player's table. Apparently, he'd already befriended one of them because they waved him over happily.

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