Ch 12 - The kitchen floor is comfortable

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3rd POV

Pietro led Peter up one of the tallest flights of stairs. It was one that ran to the majority of the bedrooms. Spider remained quiet, glancing around as they slowly climbed higher and higher. He could see Natasha and Clint clean while the others went off to the elevator or the cushiony place in the center of the room. This big intricate room fascinated him in so many different ways.

"Cool, isn't it?" Pietro paused momentarily and asked Peter, a smirk on his face as he watched the younger boy look around in amazement.

"Yes, Pietro, it's very cool," he responded with numb astonishment.

"Well, you'll get to see more of it tomorrow. Come on, we're only halfway up," Pietro turned and continued the ascent.

"Yes, Pietro." 

They resumed their climbing and Peter saw from across the room that the long rounded black window illuminated. There was a lot of tech in there. Mr. Stark waved at him from the window and he nodded modestly back.

Eventually, the stairs went up past the ceiling and the room fell out of sight. When they reached the top, Spider was looking into a long stretching hallway with an elevator on the far end. Beside him, another staircase went upwards in the other direction. The hall was littered with neat white doors that had bulbous silver handles. The doors sat apart by a few meters, and each had a personally customizable plaque on it with names.

"This is the floor you will be staying in. It's also the floor most of us stay in––everyone except Tony and Pepper." Pietro began walking down the hall. "These first two doors opposite each other are Clint and Natasha." Clint's plaque had arrows and feathers on it while Nat's was black and shaped like a knife. "The next two are Vision and Bruce." Vision's was red with a grey design and Bruce's was purple with science-y stuff on it. "Rhodey and Sam– who you didn't meet because they live in DC. They just come to visit sometimes." Sam's plaque was shaped like bird wings and Rhodey kept the simple grey style. "Here are mine and Wanda's." Pietro's was a translucent blue and had a piano keyboard on it. Wanda's was just red. "These last two are for you and our friend who is away for work. There's– Oh! Steve's is next to our friend, but aside from that, the other three rooms at the end are unused," Pietro finished.

The plaque on the door opposite of his didn't have a name. It was silver with little gold and red highlights. His own plaque didn't have anything on it. No name. Just grey. Steve's was the generic grey, too, as well as the last three rooms in the hall. The only difference was that the trio of empty doors didn't have names on their plaques.

"We have a very strict rule: Never, under any circumstance, go into this room–" he pointed at the friend's room opposite Peter's "–until our friend is back. Understand?"

"Yes, Pietro." Finally, they give me a rule.

"Good. Now, whenever you need us, ask FRIDAY. If we're in our rooms, then feel free to knock on the door. Just not Sam and Rhodey's since they aren't here," he let out a breathy laugh. "I think that's it. Repeat what I said back to me in short form."

"No going into that room ever. If I need anything, I ask FRIDAY. If you're in your room, knock. However, not Sam and Rhodey's because they aren't here," Peter repeated confidently.

"Okay cool. That's it." Pietro smiled at the younger teen. "Time to go in your room".

Meanwhile, Bucky was chilling on his bed, listening to what was happening in the hall between Peter and Pietro. He had finished his food and FRIDAY had not given him the signal that he could leave yet, so he opted for lying down. Bucky hated that Peter couldn't come to his room under any circumstance but understood why.

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