Ch 19 - Getting better

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3rd POV

Peter was getting better. A lot better. Sure, he wasn't 'fixed', but he was getting better in the sense that he was behaving more normal.

They've slowly expanded his stomach to eat almost enough to feed his high metabolism. He's filled out a lot more, that's for sure. Spider went from thin, pale, and fragile-looking, to supple, lean, sturdy, and muscly but lanky. His hair no longer has that slightly greasy look of low hygiene, but is very soft and curly––always tempting to touch. He hasn't had a haircut in a long time so it's at the point where he could tie it up or make very tiny braids.

By studying other's behaviours and body language, Peter has started to adapt how to be more natural. He's learned that lounging on the couch and doing nothing is fine. That you're allowed to make snacks when you feel hungry (especially with his metabolism). That you should do laundry and are expected to clean up after yourself. That you can chat freely with people as long as they're not busy/going somewhere. Those little unspoken rules their living space seems to hold.

Asking questions and speaking when not spoken to is okay, though that can sometimes be a challenge. Elevators remain an issue, however tolerable they can be at times. Peter's biggest hurdle by far is knowing that he can do what he wants, when he wants (provided that he follows the rules and doesn't do anything bad). He has free will, and that's a not such an easy concept for him. But the others are patient with letting him decide things for himself. And for that, he is eternally grateful.

Trusting people remains problematic. He trusts Wanda enough to get within a few centimeters of him, sometimes even touching him when he feels safe enough.

As for Shuri, well... Two days ago, he let Shuri do the unexpected, resulting in him trusting her a lot more.

Peter and Shuri sat in the lab, working on their latest project, The Winner Takes it All by ABBA was playing in the background. Their project was an umbrella that could fold down to the size of a pinkie finger, enabling it to go in a pocket. Normally, Mr. Stark would be with them, but him, Mr. Rogers, Mr. Wilson, Ms. Romanoff, and Mr. Barton were out on a two-day mission in Austria.

Shuri was busy writing down some equations and looking over measurements on the blueprints, while Peter paced around a big hologram showing the open umbrella.

Suddenly, Spider heard the pencil-scratching stop for more than ten seconds at a time. When he looked up, he saw Shuri bite her lip nervously. That's not something she's ever done before. Intrigued, the honey-eyed boy studied her body language. She was hunched over slightly and her right hand fiddled with the pencil, tapping it against the table repeatedly. Her other hand strummed against her thigh. Peter didn't know why she was nervous, but that only made him all the more curious.

"Peter, I have something I want to test out with you," the royal teen said while slowly standing up, her eyes darting around anywhere but Peter.

"Yeah, sure. What is it?" He didn't really know what to do at the moment. People weren't as nervous around him anymore, and the Men never used to be scared of him because they knew they could control him.

"I just– I need you to trust me right now, okay?"

With that, his curiosity, as well as concern, peaked, "Yeah, I– uh, I think I can do that."

The princess turned to face Peter and began approaching him with care, like he were a feral, injured she just happened across. 

When she stood a foot in front of him, she drew a deep, shaky breath and looked him the eyes, whispering, "I won't hurt you, I promise."

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