Ch 4 - Memory lane is worse than I thought

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Warnings: Literally all of them

3rd POV

The Avengers made their way to Peter's room in the Med Bay. Most of them were quite understandably uncertain. They didn't like invading privacy. It was rude and unnecessary. But damn did this kid catch their attention. This mysterious boy with so little info yet so high importance suddenly swings into their lives and means something to Bucky of all people. Who wouldn't be curious? 

Wanda was hesitant because she was the one having to look into his mind––his personal and probably very painful memories. Not exactly a picnic. Bucky just... Well, he didn't like the idea of ever seeing a HYDRA base again. Especially not through his previously forgotten friend's mind. It felt cruel and not right in a way that curled his gut like a vengeful spirit.

In the end, a decision of who would proceed and who would stay behind was made.

Tony, Steve, Natasha, Bruce, and Pietro elected to enter while the others remained in the hallway.

They shuffled their way into the Winter Spider's room. Bruce had put the boy in one of their bigger medical rooms to account for any possible traffic coming in and out. There was a large space on one side with a few chairs but it was mostly empty floor space. Spider was fast asleep in his plain white hospital bed on the other. 

Peter. The boy who single-handedly fought the Avengers, now lay peaceful in his bed. Peter. The boy who killed so many innocents, now fast asleep. Peter. The boy who lived as a HYDRA experiment and weapon for thirteen out of his fifteen years of life.

 He didn't move at all and his chest barely rose and fell when he breathed. His face was hollow and his curls flopped against his eyes. He was sitting upright with bandages visible under his hospital gown. Soft jazz was whispering around the room, uncaring that the person it was playing for was unconscious. Machines and IV's were hooked up to the teen, pumping in many fluids and surveying his vitals.

Tony had Wanda sit in a chair placed in the middle of the room as he hooked her up to his machine. It was a band with wires that wrapped around her head just above her eyes. Most of the wires connected to a small box that sat on the floor. Some of the other wires from the band hooked up to a band placed around Peter's head. But there were a few more outlets in Wanda's band for two more headsets.

Wanda sat in her chair, annoyed. Tony ignored her scorn and gave her the thumbs-up to start whatever it is she needed to do.

"Alright let's get this over with," Wanda said dryly as her eyes went dark crimson and the two bands did as well. The magical tendrils of red made their way to each and every person in the room. They wrapped like snakes around their bodies and created a mask over their eyes. The jazz music in the background quickly faded out as their eyes glazed over. Everybody's 'mind' was transported into a dark, limbo-like void. They couldn't see each other and it was as if it was only them there. Wherever they were was completely black and they stood on nothingness. An abyss. But soon, the scenery warped and the group stood inside a memory.

A little four-year-old Peter stood trembling in front of a HYDRA agent. His eyes were glossed with tears and his head was bowed.

"Now, child, you will be known as PTR Arachnid 24601. 'Arachnid' for short. That is how you introduce yourself to everyone. Do you understand?" the agent demanded sternly, speaking German.

"Y-yes," Peter stuttered quietly. He earned a slap across his face. The tears fell.

"We do not tolerate crying or stuttering here. Only the strong survive and that response was weak. I repeat; Do. You. Understand?" The man practically shouted.

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