Ch 21 - Plummeting water, cat-like affection, and distressing greenery Pt. 2

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3rd POV

The next day was sunny. Any trace of the previous day's heavy rain was gone. Barely any clouds sat in the maya blue sky. The weather was absolutely perfect––warm but not too hot and a slight breeze to keep you cool. People were buzzing about, cars were honking, planes were flying, pigeons were pooping. It was a great afternoon in Manhatten, New York.

Peter sat in the lab with Mr. Stark, both working on some new Widow Bites for Natasha, when all of a sudden, there was loud knocking on the door. FRIDAY paused the music and they looked up to see Bucky standing there, rocking on the balls of his feet in, what looked like, contained excitement.

"Let him in, FRI," Tony said, confused as to why the super soldier was here.

The glass door swung open and Barnes shuffled in awkwardly, feeling out of place with all the fancy technology.

"Thanks. So, kid, I have a bit of a surprise for you."

"C-continue." A surprise? What kind of surprise? Please, I don't want to go back there. Peter internally winced at the thought.

"Can I steal him for a few hours?" Bucky turned to the older genius, to which he replied with a dismissive wave and a 'Sure, Megalodon', then went back to work.

The veteran led the teen out of the lab and down the stairs, then up to Peter's room.

"We're goin' to go outside today," he finally informed, feeling quite proud to say those words.

"Outside? You mean the roof?" Peter was very confused. The roof wasn't a new thing.

"Not the roof. The ground."

His eyes went wide with disbelief and shock. He took a step back. "D-down there? With everyone else?"

Bucky beamed blindingly and nodded. "The weather is perfect outside and we figured that since you've, uh, gotten used to me, you could go out. Wanda said it was fine."

Peter squirmed. If Wanda said it was okay, then it was okay. Yet he still couldn't help but feel uncomfortable at the thought of so many people around him. There would–– No, this is his dream. He wants this. He's been waiting for this for as long as he can remember––ten or eleven years. 

"Where will we be going down there? I know there are things like shops a-and restaurants and stuff."

"We'll go to the hairdresser first and get your hair cut. Maybe stop somewhere and grab a bite to eat. Then Central Park. It's a huge park in Manhattan." The name sounded familiar.

"S-should I wear something different?" Peter looked down at his outfit. Simple pale blue capris, white ankle socks, an off-white and brown-beige striped button-up, and a white t-shirt underneath that had 'ABBA' written in big, bold, golden letters across his chest.

"Hold on, I'll be right back." Soldier left and returned a few seconds later with a cardinal red baseball cap in hand. "Wear this. We can go now, if you want?" Barnes could barely contain his excitement about bringing Parker out in the real world at long last.

"Yes, please," Spider smiled with nervous anticipation, placing the hat on just like he's seen others do.

The two descended by Avenger-only elevator. Peter was tense every second of the ride, but never voiced his complaints. They got to the lobby and the curly-haired teen was surprised at how many people were bustling about. In resemblance to yesterday, like an intimidated kid, he grabbed Bucky's shirt sleeve and let the older lead him to wherever they were to go. While passing, Bucky nodded and forced a smile at the young receptionist, who smiled kindly back, a hint of fear in his eyes.

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