Ch 24 - Happy Broadway- I mean, birthday

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WARNING: Non-explicit Rape (I'll mark it with three ***), a bit of swearing


3rd POV

"You know the plan?"

A new male nodded in affirmation, "Of course I do."

"You better not disappoint me," one of the previous male's snarled.

He scoffed, a flash of something feral behind his cobalt eyes. "I don't plan on it."

"Oh, and Skip, do whatever you want with him. It makes no difference to me, as long as he lives." The man turned and walked out the deserted museum doors.

A sadistic grin spread on his face as he ran his fingers through his already slick-backed hair. "Don't worry, he'll be in such good condition when I'm through with him."

It was late July and Peter had succumbed to the intense inner pull of the labs. (Could you blame him?).

At the moment, he and Banner were at the tower, helping some of the higher-up interns there. It was late––night had already fallen––and only two people were left, excluding them. One lady was over in the corner, figuring out something about the Arc Reactor core of the tower and how the same kind of design could power a robot she wanted to make. On the other side of the room, closer to the two geniuses, was a man in his early twenties––extremely rare for such high floors––unintelligibly muttering to himself about some equation.

"Dr. Banner, c-could I talk to you about something private?" Peter stuttered, placing his pencil down but not removing his eyes from his paper.

"Sure, Peter, what's wrong?" the older scientist gave the teen his full attention.

"Well, I, uh, I was thinking of going to high school."

"Oh?" Bruce's eyebrows raised and he smiled. "Have you researched any schools?"

"A few," Spider confessed with a forced laugh, barely meeting the Dr.'s eyes, "I was thinking of Midtown School of Science and Technology."

"Well, that's a very good choice. It's a great school." He hummed. "Have you told anyone else about this?"

Peter shook his head. "I don't think I'm allowed to go to school."

Bruce's lips quirked into a frown and his brows furrowed. Then he offered a small, reassuring smile. "Don't worry. I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you." Spider beamed up at him and they continued their work, packing up when they got tired.

"See ya, Skip. Don't forget to lock up," Peter yawned through his reminder as he followed Bruce out.

"Don't worry, Einstein, I will. Have a good night."

In the now-empty lab––save for one person––Westcott grinned wolfishly to himself, packing up his own things and leaving.

Let's just say the mysterious man from before was quite pleased with this new information.

August 5th.

Five days before Peter's sixteenth birthday.

The teen did not expect to return from his 'forest swinging' to find Shuri lounging on the couch with Sam and Steve.

"Shuri!" he called excitedly. The princess turned at the voice, beamed, and sprinted towards him, nearly knocking him over with the force of her hug.

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