Ch 20 - Plummeting water, cat-like affection, and distressing greenery

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WARNINGS: Tangled spoilers (minor), swearing, peter has a large mental breakdown, some distressing stuff on being an orphan.

3rd POV

Wanda made her way out of her room, planning to check on how Peter was doing. He seemed pretty shaken up the night before––crying and breaking doors. When she got to his room, she noticed that the door was ripped clean off its hinges, laying discarded half-against the chipped dresser. She didn't notice this level of damage the night before. Natasha was leaning in the empty doorway and she pressed a well-manicured finger to her lips, the other hand pointing inside the room.

Popping her head around the corner, Wanda couldn't help but coo in awe when she saw Peter and Bucky in the bed. Barnes was on his back, Parker clinging onto his side like a koala, leeching off of his warmth. Soldier had his metal arm secure around the teen's shoulders. His other arm was loosely holding onto the teen's waist. Hair was messy and entwined, framing their faces effortlessly. Sheets were tangled at their waists, laying half-off the bed. Pale sunlight shone through the half-opened curtains, illuminating the two boys in soft, glowing, canary light. A cool breeze from the cracked open windows unwantedly drifted around the room, causing a chill.

It was certainly a sight to behold.

"So, you plan on standin' around and gawkin' all day?" Bucky's rough morning voice asked from behind Peter's curls. His eyes were cracked open––not having been before––and he stared at the two ladies with emotionless intensity. Instinctively, he tightened his grip on Spider. 

Shit. Wanda could've sworn he was asleep. 

"Well this isn't exactly your morning routine now is it?" Natasha smirked and strode away.

"Sorry," Wanda muttered, hurrying after the redhead, almost tripping over her feet in eagerness to escape the man's cold, distant gaze. When they were gone, Bucky's eyelids slid closed again, but he never fell back asleep.

Peter woke from his dreamless sleep feeling wonderfully well-rested. He hadn't gotten that good of a sleep in, well, probably since the day he got here and was forcefully put under with anesthesia. He felt a lukewarm arm with a hint of chilliness wrapped stiffly around his shoulders. There was a handful of heat radiating onto his waist and even more from the body underneath him, yet he was still to the point of shivering. Wait... Arm? Waist? Body? His eyelids fluttered open wildly, sepia irises eventually focusing on the bookshelf in front of him. Spider started panicking, breath quickening and eyes darting around. He began squirming to get out of the person's grasp, shoving at the cool arm on his shoulders.

"Shh, shh. Relax, kid. You're okay. You're okay," Bucky's gravely voice hushed from above him, hands beginning to rub soothing circles on the younger's back.

Peter breathed a sigh of relief and gradually relaxed into his friend's body heat. "M'sorry. Good morning, Soldier."

"Mornin', kid."

Twenty minutes of tranquility passed, both of them completely at peace.

"FRIDAY, what time is it?" Peter asked, realizing that he wasn't sure if he woke up at the usual time.

"It is currently 8:34am."

"What!?" Spider shot up, causing his human pillow to grunt in surprise and protest. "I should have been up an hour and a bit ago!" he exclaimed with an undertone of whining, shivering violently at the sudden lack of heat.

"I was plannin' on lettin' you sleep in. You looked like you needed it last night." Bucky was still partially blissed-out and didn't want to move, but sat up anyway because he was growing starved. "Might as well get ready and make you some breakfast."

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