Ch 5 - Speak English, please. Not science

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3rd POV

There were no words for what the Avengers had seen in the mindscape of Peter's memories. For once, even Tony and Natasha were at a loss for words. Everybody stood still in the exact same places as before. Unmoving. Trying to process what they just witnessed.

It was silent for a long time.

The clock ticked.

Their brains were moving at a mile a minute.

Everyone looked between Peter, Wanda, and whatever happened to be in front of them.

Wanda removed her band and the one on Peter's head.

Tony broke the silence.

"Hey FRIDAY?" he didn't wait for a response. "You got that saved, right?"

"Yes sir," she responded politely in a tone that sounded almost soft and reassuring.

"Saved?" Clint asked meekly.

"Yeah." Tony nodded and continued. "The box that connects Wanda's band holds everything we saw. I worked with the Wizard to integrate some science and magic. In 'english' terms, you can hook it up to a computer or a TV and watch those memories back."


Silence again.

"Bucky..." Steve began but trailed off.

Bucky was sitting tensely, his metal arm was gripping his leg so tightly it would leave a bruise. His eyes were trained on the wall, not looking at anyone else. Not even Peter––knowing the strained seams keeping him together will break at one glance.

"Did you know about everything Peter went through? I mean, while you were still there?"

"No," he replied softly, barely a whisper. Soldier cleared his throat, "No," he repeated louder. "I didn't. Th-there was a rule we had. An unspoken rule. To never ask about what happened when the Men took you away unless it was something not in the normal routine. We didn't like talking about what happened. I just assumed that we got the same treatment. I-I was wrong."

Bucky's voice cracked a few times and he buried his face in his hands. He didn't need to see the pitying looks on the Avenger's faces. And he didn't need them to see him crying.

He heard footsteps near his chair and before he knew it, Natasha was guiding him outside the room and towards the elevator. She spoke softly to him in Russian but the man couldn't pay attention. His thoughts were drowning in his and Peter's memories. Why couldn't he protect Spider? Why wasn't he there for him? Why couldn't he just tell him that everything would be okay and actually mean it? Why didn't he go back for his friend sooner? Why? Why!? Why!?

Bucky was vaguely aware that he was in his room. He was vaguely aware that there was a fresh cup of tea beside him and that he was surrounded by pillows and blankets. He was vaguely aware of the music playing in the background.

'We who could laugh over big things

Were parted by only a slight thing

I wonder if we did the right thing'

There were apple-scented candles lit. His favourite. And the lights were off, along with shut curtains. After an unknown stretch of blank time, Bucky's senses were calmed and his mind was at peace. The warm and relaxing environment lulled him to sleep in a matter of minutes. 

Natasha just finished helping Bucky get to his room and relax. As soon as they left the mindscape, she could easily sense his heightened tenseness and saw the prominent bags under his eyes. So, being the awesome friend she is, Natasha quickly set up his room and made him tea. Normally, she'd stay with him and talk. However, she didn't think today was a good day for that. Instead, she quietly closed the door behind her as she made her way to the elevator.

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