Ch 26 - Oscorp

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY PETER (so glad I got this out today)

NOTE: So I kinda mixed together Tony Revolori and Chris Zylka's versions of Eugene 'Flash' Thompson. He's got Tony's looks but more of Chris' aggressive/physical behaviour.

WARNINGS: Extremely brief mentions of abuse and drinking, some physical and verbal bullying, swearing

3rd POV

Flash Thompson was pissed.

Okay maybe not pissed but he was hella frustrated.

This new kid, Peter Parker, was already becoming the teacher's favourite and getting better grades than him after only two weeks of being here. The only person who was above him was Gwen Stacy, but he had no problem with her since she tutored him the one subject he sucked ass at: Calculus.

His brother, Jesse, had come home from school one day in June with the most astounded look on his face. Jesse had blabbered on about some teen with curly hair, gnarly scars, killer abs, and the wildest look in his eyes. He was told about how the guy shredded his knuckles in trying––and succeeding––in breaking a punching bag. At the time, Flash thought the dude must be wicked awesome. 

But on the first day of school, he was proven wrong. He didn't even know he was going to his school, but Eugene saw the teenager that was described. Bright honey eyes, thin scar below eye, awfully marred knuckles, and curly caramel hair (except that it appeared to be gelled down). The difference was that Peter was nothing like the charismatic, strong, chill dude that Jesse talked about so much. This Peter was quiet, easily startled, nervous, and very... not intimidating.

The disappointment was nagging him for a while.

Though it swiftly turned into anger the higher Parker's grades got and the more the teachers seemed to dislike him. Flash. Not Perfect Peter™.

It wasn't just school that got worse, it was his home life too. Jesse left for law school, just like their dad wanted. His mom picked up more shifts at the hospital just to get away from her family––mostly her husband. And last but not least, his dad was still as abusive and drunk as always (at least when he's not at work). Most days it was just him alone in the house, waiting for bruises to heal and time to pass.

Things were shitty, let's just say.

So he took it out on Peter, the defenceless new kid that never fought back. Eugene stuck to teasing and mean jabs, never earning much of a response. He wanted a reaction out of the other teen. Whether it was a snappy line or even a punch to the gut, he needed something to happen but he just didn't know why. Flash would tease for as long as he needed to get that reaction.

On the other hand, this mysterious new hero that goes by the name Spider-Man gives him hope. He looks out for the little guy, keeps the neighbourhood safe, and seems super dope. The Avengers don't save civilians from muggings or prevent bank robberies. They clean up the big messes, fight the big fights, save the world–– And yeah, that's important, but they don't do what Spider-Man does.

Spider-Man has turned into his distraction and Peter, his outlet.

"And... we are done," Tony announced proudly, setting his safety goggles and tools down. "Why don't you take it for a test run? Tell me how it feels and we'll make changes if we need to."

Peter nodded and gathered the newer, sleeker Spider Suit in his arms, smiling widely, "Thanks Mr. Stark. Will do!" He bounded out of the lab and to his room.

Parker stripped and tugged on his new suit, pressing the pad in the middle so it shrunk to fit his lithe frame. The teen put on his backpack and clipped the front straps together that way it wouldn't fall off. FRIDAY opened his bedroom window without being told to, sensing he'd go out since he was dressed for the occasion. Peter took a deep breath, hopped up and down a few times, shook his arms nervously, tilted his head from side to side, and finally shot out the window. He let himself fall

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