Ch 27 - What the fu-

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3rd POV

"So what's up with the scar on your face?" Ned asked, followed by him being elbowed harshly by Harry, who gave him a look that said 'Shut up'. Gwen––she'd recently joined their group––looked up from her studies to shoot him the same look.

Peter laughed and waved his hands reassuringly, thinking of a simple but believable lie, "It's okay. I got this when I fell in bramble patch a long time ago. I broke my fall with my hands–" he held out his hands, showing the slim scars that were really caused by knives and other thin-bladed weapons, "–but one of the tendrils was long enough the reach my face. It wasn't a good day."

A flicker of disbelief shone in Harry's eyes, though it was gone as quick as it came. Spider questioned whether he truly saw it or not. Osborn grinned. "Ouch. That's gotta hurt."

"Oof. Would not like to be you at that time." Ned scrunched his face up in displeasure as he finished chewing his salami sandwich.

"Yeah 'cause Penis Parker is such an idiotic klutz! Can't even avoid a sharp bramble patch when he sees one," Flash sneered and shoved him when he passed, his goons laughing as they followed.

Peter's cheeks flushed red but he didn't comment, instead let his friends glare pointlessly at the back of the bully.

"I can't fathom why you let him bully you," Harry growled, still eyeing Eugene.

Spider shrugged. "Better me than someone else." He decided to change the topic, opting for a question that's been on his mind since the previous night, "I know you run a company and you intern and Oscorp, but what about you, Ned? Do you have a job?"

"I volunteer at an animal shelter," the teenager replied. His dark eyes widened. "Did I never tell you?"

"No. But that's pretty cool. Think I could come look at the animals?" he joked, tongue peeking out from between his teeth in amusement.

Ned snorted. "Uh-huh. You're always so busy with that internship with Tony Stark, I'm sure he–"

"No way in hell Puny Parker has an internship with the Tony Stark. They wouldn't accept poor orphans like him when they could get richer, smarter people like me! Bet you haven't even met him before," Flash jeered as he passed by again. He still refused to think this was the same boy his brother Jesse had yakked on about non-stop–– The boy who was Stark's personal intern. He'd been bullying him about the internship since he first heard them talking in September.

The four friends ignored him and kept talking.


Hey, Mr. Stark. I know the whole me-living-with-the-Avengers thing is supposed to be a secret but Ned already knows I 'intern' and spend a lot of time here. He's one of my closest friends and I trust him so I was wondering if I could tell him I live with you guys?

Or at least invite him over/tell him I have a room at the tower?

Stark knew how much Ned meant to him. The boy was the closest friend (aside from Shuri, but she's halfway across the world) he had. They had been friends since the start of the year and Peter really enjoyed the boy's company. Tony wanted him to be happy. He wouldn't get in the way unless it was serious.

[Mr. Stark]

If your little Spidey Sense deems him a non-threat, then it should be okay. You can tell him you have a room here.

Actually, I've been thinking. A press conference wouldn't be such a bad idea. I think it's time to ofiicially announce to world that I have a manatee. What do you say?

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